Grew up in the Valley forge Area. Love American History/World History. Phlebotomist, Lab Technician, Medical Instructor. I had a blast in the Medical Profession. I met So many peoples in my years from all walks of life. Some not so nice most nice. The not so nice generated a compassion to go out of my way to show them people do care still. I learned at an early age that the elderly are wise and to follow their advice is to your gain. Praise God for my life and His Son Jesus of Nazareth.
@deputt Amen I do believe you're right agreed. I was taught Mark 16 didn't happen. God showed me it does. I worked in a hospital. I was put in awe by the amount of people needing prayer, Salvation, a lot of healings. Cancer, Tumor, Pneumonia. Demonic possession on the other hand I didn't really run into that but a couple times. I think with that gift is also to spot trouble in demonic circumstances of society. Plus having a church in places where Allister Crowley and Anton Levey have their churches. I've got a feeling you agree, I desire to see all churches come together to the true doctrine of Jesus. It's great to see God still uses us all to save souls and we souls being saved. Amen. I think of how much more powerful the Church would be being One as Jesus and the Father are One. Thank you for your comment too.