How do #chemtrails operationally come to be?
Using my flightradar24 app, I can easily see that ALL of the planes that are leaving persistent and lasting trails are normal commercial flights, not military.
There would have to exist a coordinated logistical network of vendors, suppliers, airports, contractors, employees, and airlines to seemingly pull this off. Yet I have never heard it explained start to finish, documented and such.
I am compelled by Dane Wigginton's research, and anyone can see the patents he shows. But I have a hard time believing that is all going on underneath and inside of the luggage compartments of each commercial plane.
Back in the early 90s the jet fuel was re-formulated from no.2 diesel or kerosene to a 'Secret' patented formula for commercial aircraft. This BS then allows them to put whatever they want in the fuel now,,,,,,,,