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Normalizing pharmaceuticals for children? This can't be real. Must be Mad Magazine stuff?
Team, let's have some FUN!
She has to be one of the most amazing, accomplished women you will ever encounter... BEWARE the LOOK! LOL!
If only my girls had so many accomplishments. This is what we should be holding as a high expectation and standard for achievement! Who cares what country, or origin? Aren't we the the land of the brave? Bring your good to this country, leave the bad behind. Isn't that why you want to be here? Assimilate with your good stuff, leave the ugly behind!
I can't stop laughing!! Read the warning label. And this doesn't even come close the the masks that Canada just "canceled" with the embedded nano-tech...
I admit I haven't been close enough to identify the ingredients, so this is what i saw circulating... Honestly wouldn't let my worst enemy take this stuff... maybe... But seriously, it's EXPERIMENTAL! What do the sheep not understand about this?! Is there still that much fear that they are now taking their strapping, healthy young teenagers & invicible 20 something's to get the jab next? Sadly yes. Family... y'know.
Always good to have a checklist handy for those friends & family that aren't awake yet. I have a well meaning liberal nephew offering to take my 90 yo mother in to the next vaccination clinic. We - and she - kindly told him to shove off!
Population Control = NWO #1 Goal
when you know, you know... We selfishly think it's about us and the stupid CCP virus. It has always been about the innocents... the children that had no voice, the innocents that disappeared in the noise of the main stream. Who saw the milk cartons in the 80's? Sick. We are all guilty then but no more! We are wakened against dark forces! NO MORE! Evil will wither in our LIGHT! Join. Discern. Prayer is real. Love wins, Light destroys dark. God's Truth and Justice prevail. ALWAYS.
It's a Thursday. So many are tired from daily battles yet the fight continues. BE STRONG and push thru my friends! We are commanded to Love One Another.
Just think for a second how irritating that is to our adversaries... Hah! Light obliterates evil and Good Wins!!
Take a minute to inhale, relax and know this is true. Love wins.
Strength my friends! You and humanity are worth it!
@Brynhilde70 love that!!
I love it too, certainly a good way to describe some of these demonrats...
@Brynhilde70 Ooooh, I’m gonna tell on you!! Sound familiar? Some people never grow up.
I know... I know! Preaching to the choir... no lab can identify a "COVID-19" virus. They keep finding lots of influenza A and B tho' ... but flu was wiped out this season, right?
Confirmed - but it's on page 42
Saaahwheeeet! LOL! Files under "you can't make this up". How does the Dewey Decimal System fit these topics in? (and how many just had to duckduckgo search that one?) Oh my! March Madness is just warming up!
Do not doubt GEN Dunford. Man of Honor and a Patriot.
@US_Military_News: General Dunford is a true patriot.
Washington, D.C. is under the control of U.S. National Guard.
Hold on to your heads... but then ya'll knew it already, eh? ;-)
GhostEzra: Kennedy Sr. just recently died. He survived the assassination attempt and recently had a stroke. He lived a long life. Potus has been seen publicly with him in the recent years on multiple occasions. His son of course is alive and well. He's has a new name for obvious reasons. He's one of less than 10 that know the entire plan from front to back.
Not enough rabbit holes to look into yet?
A prominent German "Rocket Man" turned US citizen headstone with Psalms 19:1
So many theories, so many tangents ...
My Phones are not blowing up. I have 3 of them.. They Hyten Scam got me
@TheDrunkenNews An intentional misdirection/distraction for hackers? Here is a screen shot I grabbed on the last one. Hackers didn't even try to make it seem legit. Wonder if Hyten will try to communicate again a different way.
Doug Billings, The Right Side.
" information war..."