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I am a retired federal government employee - chased out because I wouldn't get the shot. Glad to have severed the ties with my oppressor, although the fight is far from over. I'm an ex-vaxxer, conservative, very interested in energy medicine, and love anything to do with consciousness and spirituality.
I am a retired federal government employee - chased out because I wouldn't get the shot. Glad to have severed the ties with my oppressor, although the fight is far from over. I'm an ex-vaxxer, conservative, very interested in energy medicine, and love anything to do with consciousness and spirituality.
@Kellifryes @HealthRanger Dr. Nelson is a scammer.
@Astral2 @HealthRanger Astral - look up the 2023 schedule- they've added THREE COVID injections before 12 months of age :(
X-Files predictive programming:
What a great summary of what is wrong with America:
@HealthRanger - How about interviewing "the Prisoner?" He posts lot of videos on Brighteon and sounds like a very interesting guy. I'd love to know more about him.
Great quote I heard in an interview with Karen Kingston: "If you don't have a seat at the table, it's because you're on the menu."
@HealthRanger - my husband came up with a great come-back to the quadruple vaxxed, double masked climate change fear mongers. He said to make the point that they are breathing in orders of magnitude more CO2 when wearing a face mask than climate change could ever cause!
Does anyone know the amount of ivermectin - 1% injectable solution (animal brand) - to take if you were around someone who came down with Covid?
@HealthRanger or anyone else... can you recommend a good oxygen generator? Mike mentioned he has one, and I'd like to get a good, hopefully moderately priced one. Thanks!
Dr. Bhakdi gives a great, concise overview of why the vaccines are so dangerous. This kind, gentle man is clearly upset and angry at what we are doing to our children.
Well, I hope all you Biden supporters and never-Trumpers are happy. Due to this madman's dictatorial tyrannical regime, I, my son, and my nephew are all losing our jobs. All because we won't consent to participating in a medical experiment. If you got the shot and think you're safe, think again. This isn't about public health, it's about obedience. It's about taking your freedom if you don't comply. If you think it will end with a covid vaccine, you're dreaming. Wake up America.
From CBS Dallas-Ft. Worth- "Texas Governor Greg Abbott Tests Positive for COVID-19 Despite Receiving Vaccination."
Actor Michael Mitchell dies of heart attack 6 days after Pfizer jab.

Mr. Michael Mitchell loved masks and vaccines. His entire virtual existence in 2021 revolved around those two things. He's now dead.
The COVID BlogDo you ever feel like you're a sane person living in an insane asylum?
Man Goes OFF on School Board in Pennsbury School District in Fallsington, PA- DEMANDS Resignation Of School's Director Of Diversity
WATCH THIS "Just Say No" anti-vaccine rap song before they ban it! (And feel free to post it to Brighteon...)
@HealthRanger - What about parents? Or are they excused b/c they were brainwashed? My nephew's wife fully intends to get their 2 and 4 year old boys shot up once it's authorized.
By the way, I prefer the long all in one piece Situation Updates. One can always skip through parts if they're not interested in the topic. Thanks for all you do!
@HealthRanger - Do you (or does anyone) know what is going on with Del? He unexpectedly did not host The Highwire last week, and tomorrow will have another guest host. Needless to say I am very concerned about his health. This is totally unlike him.