I received this from Robert David Steele. Supposedly one of the good guys. Anybody know anything factual about him? He includes a message on this from "Cue" meaning "Q" with the same "Trust the plan. Sit back and enjoy the show." Really? Would like your feedback. Is this guy for real, or one of the CIA operatives Mike warned us about?

19 January 2021 1851 Transition to military government tomorrow is increasingly possible. See image below. 1430: Did Biden just give his farewell speech knowing he is a goner? One Alert Reader thinks…
Public Intelligence Blog@TexasTruthTeller Steele was cia at one point, he even tells you, check out his web site robertdavidsteele.com. Look into phiobaiota web site a lot of stuff on the deep state, why would a cia agent incriminate and expose the very people they are working for?