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Originally from my mother; alive on earth for over 64 years & twice born by the grace of God for more than 44 years. God has been good to me, so much better than I deserve. I was a filthy, wicked, guilty hell deserving sinner with no way to save myself from God's wrath. But praise God, he had mercy on me and brought me to see my need to be saved by Jesus Christ. He gave me repentance to the acknowledging of the truth & faith to believe on Jesus. On my way to heaven & desiring to make him known!
Originally from my mother; alive on earth for over 64 years & twice born by the grace of God for more than 44 years. God has been good to me, so much better than I deserve. I was a filthy, wicked, guilty hell deserving sinner with no way to save myself from God's wrath. But praise God, he had mercy on me and brought me to see my need to be saved by Jesus Christ. He gave me repentance to the acknowledging of the truth & faith to believe on Jesus. On my way to heaven & desiring to make him known!
Have you ever heard of Pastor Shahram Hadian? He's a true Christian; born and raised in Iran which is an Islamic theocracy. But praise God, he has since been converted to Jesus Christ. He has a great ministry called "Truth In Love" (based on Ephesians 4:15- "speaking the truth in love"). He speaks with authority based in scripture along with his own personal experience. With that in mind, ladies and gentlemen, I give you his "Truth Today" podcast from 12/05/24 titled "Enemies Within The Camp: Mike Adams Attacks Bible, Paul, Jews, and Embraces Islam". This confirms so much of what I have been saying about Mike Adams: that he is a false convert. That is the root of his renegade ways as a rebel against God. His refusal to be part of a Bible based local (genuinely Christian) church which is resistance to being accountable, coupled with his heretical view of salvation as "meritocracy" (salvation by works, or as Mike terms it, "being moral and ethical" rather than by God's grace alone; works are the fruit of salvation in Christ, not the cause of it) and his self appointed "church" and "sermons"; all of this is the rotten, corrupt fruit of this mentality. He claims to be a Christian, yet he blatantly contradicts God's written word! There is no such thing as being led by the Holy Spirit of God while contradicting the holy scriptures that he inspired. And so I say again: MIKE ADAMS, REPENT! CEASE FROM YOUR IDOLATROUS NARCISSISTIC FANTASY AND TURN TO THE REAL JESUS OF THE HOLY BIBLE BEFORE IT IS ETERNALLY TOO LATE AND YOU HEAR HIM SAY, "DEPART FROM ME YE CURSED WORKER OF INIQUITY INTO EVERLASTING FIRE PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS!" Either Jesus of self is on the throne of your heart. There is no "in between" on this!
How sadly ironic and how tragic will it be for those who may be spot on with all of their analysis and information, and how heavily they influence their audiences and listeners into doing so much that, on the surface, may appear to be good and right, and may even have some temporal effect (like Trump's election, etc.) if they die in their sins, unsaved by Jesus Christ, only to find all of the "good" they did (in man's estimation) burned up in the fire of God's judgment; while they then end up in unending torment and suffering in what Jesus called "hell" and "the lake of fire"? How horrible to believe that you were doing so much "good", when all along, it all amounts to what Solomon called "vanity and vexation of spirit in the Book of Ecclesiastes; all because the basis for that was SELF rather than Christ? I have observed that there are multitudes within the so-called "patriot" and "conservative" movement who fall under this category. They appear to be so "helpful" and "good"; and may even have good intentions in seeking to help others; but as the old saying goes: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Without Jesus Christ at the center and as the foundation of whatever "cause" or "movement" you're part of; if your religion is false (including Roman Catholicism, apostate Protestantism, Islam, Mormonism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Humanism, etc.) you are on your way to hell, and that is where you will end up! Forget "team humanity"! We need TEAM JESUS!
With all the information overload, I wonder what difference it all makes in light of what matters: eternity and our accountability to our Creator Jesus Christ? Whether it's "Left" or "Right", how much is all of the news and information (or disinformation in many cases) really affecting what's happening, as well as what's going to happen? With all the lies, false claims, self righteous declarations, predictions and speculation that's now promoted/presented by so many "influencers" and "podcasters", etc. will all of that make any difference whatsoever in light of the reality of this Biblical truth: "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27)? Bottom line: regardless of whether it's mainstream or alternative media, if the emphasis is not on GOD and making sure you're right with him; which will only be by faith in Jesus Christ and consequently having a true relationship with him that's seen in obedience to his holy word THE BIBLE; you may be the most informed and prepared person; but if you're not saved by Jesus Christ, having seen you're like all men: a filthy wicked, guilty hell deserving sinner as an enemy of God that has violated his law and desperately needs to be saved from your sins and made clean and right in God's sight by and through Christ alone; you will die in your sins and perish eternally in hell! If you contradict God's written word, you're part of the problem. Mike Adams and Alex Jones included!
If you're part of a so-called "church" that uses the modern forms of music in their worship (Hillsong, Bethel, Jesus Image, Elevation Worship, etc.) you are being deceived and seduced by the antichrist spirit of MYSTERY BABYLON that the apostle John warned of in The Revelation of Jesus Christ 17, 18. Missionary Spencer Smith covers this in great detail in an excellent and powerful sermon he preached recently titled "The Occult Agenda Behind Modern Worship Music". Please watch that here, and may God enlighten the eyes of your understanding on this and cause you to abandon so-called "Christian Rock" music; understanding that there is no such thing from a BIBLICAL standpoint!
Hey Mike Adams! With your latest BBN podcast about male and female archetypes, you are on the right track, but you don't go far enough. For a much deeper and more accurate analysis of what is happening and has been happening in western culture, which is far deeper than political and social, I urge you and everyone else to watch Spencer Smith's powerful and excellent series called "Third Adam". It's on YouTube and in four parts. He gives an extremely accurate picture of what's been going on and why things are the way they are, doing so from the only right perspective: GOD'S! Meaning what is Biblical (KJV). Here's the links for that. Please watch these asap. and I am interested to hear your response to them!
Third Adam - Missionary Spencer Smith
Third Adam 2: The Great Seduction
Third Adam 3: Rise of The Divine Feminine
Third Adam 4: The Road to Shambala
Here we go again. First Mike Adams supports Trump for President in the 2024 election; then he says he's not supporting him for President; then he tells us he is supporting Trump for President; and now (once again), he is NOT supporting Trump for President and will not be voting for him. Just like with the Scam-demic, where Mike Adams had his "Pandemic Projection Model" in which he predicted that 2.2 million Americans would die by July 2020 if President Trump didn't halt all transportation nationwide for at least one month; while he also advocated the use of masks in response to the so-called "pandemic". Yes, he did come around on the scamdemic/plandemic to reality. Even so, with the 2024 election, Mike is again proving himself an unreliable source for factual information. But then, what would we expect from a man who presumes to be some sort of "authority" when it comes to religious matters; even going so far as to believe he is called of God to teach via so-called "sermons" and has even started what he calls a "church"; even though, by his own admission, he is NOT part of any Bible based local church assembly? That, and by his own admission, he believes in salvation by works (which he has affirmed many times over via his declaration of "morality and ethics" as the basis for that) rather than salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Bottom line: Mike Adams is not God; even though he'd have us believe that he has authority from God. Mike needs Jesus!
Mike Adams continues to prove himself an heretic (a false doctrine promoting unbeliever) by affirming that good people go to heaven while bad people go to hell. He believes Islam and Christianity have anything in common, and even says "the Quran is the third part of the Bible". He thinks Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus (idolators); anyone he deems "good" (moral and ethical) is going to heaven. So saying, he's once again nullified salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, according to scripture alone. He claims to believe The Bible, yet he blatantly contradicts it. Jesus Christ, who is God manifest in the flesh (the God-man) says clearly, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6) He also said to all of the self righteous Pharisees (the self proclaimed self sufficient "good" people who think they are experts on religion and falsely believe they have authority from God while they contradict his word): "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." (Matthew 9:10-13) I am convinced, based on what Mike Adams himself says, that he has never seen himself as a filthy wicked unjust, unrighteous hell deserving sinner; an enemy of God who desperately needs to be saved by Jesus Christ. I fear for Mike and all who believe as he does!
At the outset of his latest BBN podcast (10/18), Mike Adams says he believes in "meritocracy", stating: "You have to earn your way into heaven; you have to earn God's good graces." So saying, he proved he's NOT a true Christian, regardless of how much he affirms this. It's bad enough Mike took upon himself to start what he calls a "church", which is NOT a true church according to THE BIBLE. What he has is an online forum for religious podcasts he calls "sermons". By his own admission, he's NOT an active member of any Bible based local church assembly of true believers in Jesus Christ who've covenanted together according to the Biblical pattern set forth in scripture. He's not sent out by real church leadership (pastor/elders/deacons). Scripture is very clear that Jesus Christ founded the church, he is her one head, and that church is always a visible, local assembly of true, blood washed, blood bought, Biblical believers in Christ. Read the epistles written by the apostles (especially Paul), as well as the Book of Acts. Mike Adams does NOT follow and obey what they wrote! He proves that because he teaches the heresy of works salvation. He thinks "good people go to heaven, evil people go to hell". Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8, 9). Works of righteousness are the fruit of that, not the cause of it! Mike is on his way to the very hell he believes is solely for bad people rather than lost sinners! Repent Mike! Turn to Jesus now!
Beloveds let me explain about what I know about Mike. Four years ago we got revelation that he had exceptional strength as a Christian. But he stayed in his expertise of health and science. And helped change the world especially with exposing the vaccines. And that younger Believers could not handle what he's endured.
A number of us have a lot of compassion for Mike as well. And even he knows he's got great network of supporters overall. I'm not making excuses. And we don't agree with the preaching aspect because it appears to us as premature. We all need deliverance of something and Mike is included. Actually self deliverance is possible. I would advise him limit some of his labors and do what the Apostles they gave themselves to the study of the Word and prayer and I know they worked on deliverance. Did not Peter get delivered of legalism when Paul rebuked for going to sit with the Jews? They did not randomly go out into the spiritual battle. And repentance is a fine work and leads to the infilling of the Holy Spirit so how can we go wrong in it?
Hey Mike Adams, watch this interview that Brannon Howse did with Aharon Levarko who, unlike you, actually lives in Israel and reports factually (unlike you) about what is taking place there. Watch this and see and hear how he Israeli military just killed the mastermind behind the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas against Israel. They are picking off these wicked devil possessed Muslim terrorist leaders one at a time. Good riddance and burn in hell Muslim scum!
You have a god given right to say what you want.
Just try being less moronic when you do.
Hey Will, the only moron (besides Mike Adams) is YOU! get a life fool!
A coworker of mine made a comment in relation to all the folks who are working to bring aid in response to the devastation caused by the weather weapon Helene (I'm convinced that's what it was!) I mentioned to her how our criminal government (FEMA, etc.) is purposely hindering and interfering with those efforts; and she said something that I consider not only monumentally stupid and ignorant, but just downright cold and cruel. Her comment about all the private citizens going into North Carolina and Tennessee, etc. was that "They are a liability" because she foolishly believes "the government should be allowed to do their job" without private citizens getting in the way of that! Consider that she's a typical Gen-Z'er who spends (wastes) hours staring at mindless fluff (social media/stupid videos) on her "STUPID (not SMART) Phone" and is thus clueless about reality! I suggest that idiots like that post their "expertise" on X and Tik Tok so the whole world, especially the locals in those areas that have been hit so tragically can know how much of a "liability" all the helicopter pilots and others are that are being called HEROES by the locals they are assisting! People like my coworker infuriate me, especially when I see all the reports of little children wandering around who can't even find their parents and elderly folks who are stranded and have no one and nothing in the aftermath of this storm! Shame on these fools for such comments! Especially when they're not even there!
Humans can be so disappointing.
@TexasTruthTeller @RobertJohn That’s the understatement of the year.
Hey Mike Adams, since you THINK you have it all figured out when it comes to Israel and what God will do to them (destroy and utterly obliterate them, according to your gross and heretical misinterpretation of scripture!); I have a suggestion: Please contact Brannon Howse with and and debate him on this. also, I dare you to contact Aharon Levarko who is a Jewish believer in Jesus who, unlike you, actually lives in Israel and knows the truth about what is happening between the Hebrew nation and their enemies. He has a great website: I'm sure he would also LOVE to speak with you and debate you concerning your very wrong views of Israel and why they are doing what they are. I hope you will contact both of them so they can set you straight on your ignorance before the very God that you claim to believe in and follow, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, ends up doing with YOU would you so arrogantly claim he will do with Israel: judge and destroy you! Beware Mike! The promise God gave Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that he reaffirmed to his grandson Jacob, is still in effect today! He will bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants and curse those who curse them! Repent Mike! You are treading on very dangerous ground! Your First Amendment right of freedom of speech can never negate or nullify God's law! You'll reap what you've sown! God promises there will be an Israel so long as the sun and moon exist!
OK. You believe in the First Amendment right of freedom of speech and religion? This ought to stir things up then! Listen to this Worldview Radio broadcast (from September 6) by Brannon Howse (which Mike Adams carries on Brighteon). Listen as Brannon and the pastor he interviews takes Tucker Carlson and others to task over Anti-Semitism. See what you think! And as I challenged Mike Adams in an email I just sent him, interview Brannon Howse and this pastor Wood about their stand on this. Here you go:
Has Tucker Carlson Become an Anti-Semitic Tool of Satan?
worldviewtube.comMike Adams- I'm hoping God uses this to speak some spiritual common sense to you. I do not begrudge nor deny your right to free speech. You're free to say what you wish, even though you contradict God's written word. You keep affirming you're a Christian, and yet, by your own admission, you're not even part of any local, Bible based new testament church. Now you're producing what you call "sermons". You say you've started a "church". So doing, you're in MAJOR violation of one of the clearest principles of scripture: that there are no "Lone Ranger Christians". I find it ironic that you go by "Health Ranger", appropriate since you're an expert on health related issues. But when you comment on SPIRITUAL matters, you display gross ignorance, a real lack of true understanding. You cannot just go off on your own tangent and produce "sermons" and start a "church" when you're clearly not under Christ's authority! HE is the head of his church, and that means local, visible new testament churches that have a pastor that you should be in submission to! Being on your own as you are, you have ZERO accountability! Read The Bible. ALL true disciples are sent out of a local new testament assembly that they are part of to begin with! You may be sincere in your intentions, but Mike, you are sincerely deceived. ALL ministry stems from the local church! So long as you persist in this rebellion against Christ, you would be better off changing your title to "Lone Ranger"!
Mike Adams promotes heresy and lies; your hypocrisy as one who claims to be a Christian is glaring! You contradict God's word, which a true Christian will not do! In your 08/24 BBN podcast, you AGAIN say we "are all God's children"; regardless of religion or sexual orientation, etc. In your eyes, all people everywhere are God's children! According to THE BIBLE (KJV), that is patently false! You say that JESUS himself promoted this idea, that "all people on earth are God's children." That is a lie! Jesus said no such thing, nor did he ever promote what is known as "Universalism", the idea that everyone is a child of God and is in God's kingdom. If that is true, then Jesus' death on Calvary's cross makes no sense. Jesus did not die for God's children, because without him, none of us, including YOU, are born of God. According to what David wrote in Psalm 51, we're born in sin, the sin of Adam that Paul addressed in Romans 5:12 that is in all of us! Thus, "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". We're ALL guilty, filthy, wicked, hell deserving sinners, which, according to THE BIBLE, makes ALL of us children of Satan, enemies of God. The entire human race! We ALL stand self condemned before a holy God! Read Romans 1-3. Jesus stated that ONLY those who "hear the word of God and keep it", who "shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven" are in his family. You emphasize "ethics and morality". That is works salvation and it leads to hell! Repent Mike!
Ladies and gentlemen, honour of Thursday's "Presidential Debate", I give you the following poetic acronym titled "DONALD TRUMP VERSES JOSEPH BIDEN". Note that the FIRST letter of each line spells this out as a way to chronicle the obvious outcome of this event!
Defending what is true,
On top of his game,
Never blinked an eye,
Attacking deep state shame.
Level headed all the way,
Determined to speak right,
Tried by fire to thus prevail,
Relentless in the fight.
Unwavering in stating fact,
Masterfully made his case,
Prevailing over opposition,
Vile villains he did face.
Extremist Marxist mafia,
Renouncing all that's right,
Sadistic new world order crowd,
Ever love eternal night.
Stupid idiot display,
Joker for the fools,
Obama's toy right from the start,
Slave breaking all the rules.
Empty shell that babbles on,
Puppet pawn, so sad,
Hell-bent on his own destruction,
Bumbling, lying cad.
Infernal criminal extreme,
Descending from his throne,
Evicted by his devilish master,
Nigh to his hellish home!
OK folks. In honour of the so-called "Presidential Debate" this past Thursday, time for a poetic acronym that I believe explains what we saw; please not the FIRST letter of each line which spells out "Donald Trump Verses Joseph Biden". Enjoy (and feel free to pass this on!):
Defending what is true,
On top of his game,
Never blinked an eye,
Attacking deep state shame.
Level headed all the way,
Determined to speak right,
Tried by fire to thus prevail,
Relentless in the fight.
Unwavering in stating fact,
Masterfully made his case,
Prevailing over opposition,
Vile villains, he did face.
Evil was on every hand,
Rigged event for sure,
Sadistic media display,
Evident, no cure.
Sadistic use of empty shell,
Joke on display, so sad,
Outrageous seeing his decline,
Staging sickly cad.
Elimination was the plan,
Puppet's strings cut, time to go,
His body may have been on stage,
But fake Prez didn't show.
Illicit idiot on parade,
Democrat demolition and,
Evil one has another puppet,
Now awaiting his command!
To Mike Adams and all the alternative media: I noticed that in your latest BBN podcast (Dec.7), when you address the issue of the elitist image of people like RFK Jr. and Donald Trump, while you cite how Trump got his start off his Daddy's billions, why is it that you guys NEVER address the more critical issue: Trump's adultery? Back in 2016, I called in to Alex Jones' show and brought this up. Trump committed adultery on his first wife Ivana with Marla Maples. I can still remember receiving emails from Trump promoting how to be successful in sales. Yet, because I'm a Christian (saved from my sins and hell by Jesus Christ and thus one who adheres to what THE BIBLE says on all issues), I could NEVER ignore the photo of Trump that I had seen: where he was standing next to Marla Maples with his typical arrogant look and his hand on her pregnant belly; something that he has NEVER confessed publicly and repented of! Thus, I wanted nothing to do with Trump. He had nothing positive to contribute to me! CHARACTER MATTERS! Yet, here was "Christian" Alex Jones excusing this, supporting Trump for President. When I called, I cited how the Bible states, "But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away." (Proverbs 6:32, 33) Here we are in 2023, with "Christian" Mike Adams doing the same thing: ignoring Trump's wickedness. Why Mike?
God looks for the good in someone and helps them develop it.
The devil is always looking to bring someone down.
Which side do you support?
I wonder.
So here's the bottom line with what I am saying to Mike Adams and all who subscribe to your way of thinking: since my faith is in Jesus Christ and his holy word (KJV) and his Holy Spirit of truth lives in me to guide me into all truth as Jesus promised (and he, as God Almighty, cannot lie!) I can depend on that and so NOT be fooled by AI or any other satanically inspired system of thought. I have the mind of Christ! I have his word that I read daily, and I can pray and ask God for wisdom and guidance, as well as discernment. And you know what? He is faithful to see to it that I have that, as well as power over the flesh, the world, and the devil! So Mike, you are wrong when you put forth the premise that SOMEHOW, all of this "AI" will eclipse every thing and every one! The angel Gabriel told Daniel concerning "the time of the end" that "None of the wicked shall understand these things; but the wise shall understand." ONLY those who are saved from their sins and hell by Jesus Christ and have his Holy Spirit of truth abiding with and in them will not fall for the deception of Satan and his little, temporal beast/AI kingdom. But ALL of your "team humanity" will, because you reject God's eternal kingdom in favor of your "survival" and your so called "golden age after Mad Max". Sorry, but I am looking for Jesus Christ, and that is why I PREACH THE GOSPEL, pointing sinners to him, not merely "surviving" what's coming! My faith is in JESUS, not "humanity"!
Mike, my "internal mental model" is this: THE HOLY BIBLE THAT I DAILY HIDE IN MY HEART SDO THAT I DO NOT SIN AGAINST GOD AS DAVID SAID (Psalm 119:11)! You place so much emphasis on "humanity" which is why your focus is on the HERE AND NOW rather than the ETERNAL realm! That's why you and Alex Jones are so focused on "saving America" over saving souls! Look at the apostles of Jesus Christ, and even Jesus himself. Did they not have to deal with the corrupt empire of Rome (Caesar playing God) and the apostate Jewish government, both of which rejected Jesus Christ in favor of what THEY believed and what made them feel good? And yet, do you see Jesus and his true followers trying to fight against and overthrow these corrupt governmental structures? No! You see them ALWAYS focusing on the one main thing: CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Should we oppose all the evil we encounter in this world? Yes! True believers in and followers of Jesus Christ have a definite responsibility and duty to do so; but NOT to at the expense of compromising on God's absolute truth and carrying out the one mission Jesus gave to his apostles, and through them to ALL true Christians; and that is THE GREAT COMMISSION, which is, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15) It is doing what Jesus declared of himself to Joseph and Mary as a 12 year old boy, to "be about my Father's business". You can keep "team humanity" and "surviving". I'll stick with Jesus and his gospel!
I challenge Mike Adams to RETHINK what you believe! You place more faith in what is temporal than what is ETERNAL! Mike, you and Alex Jones and ALL the so called alternative media and truth promoters are being set up by Satan! You're being led to the slaughter, right into the arms of the beast and the very antichrist (globalist) system you say you oppose! How so? Read Daniel 8, where God clearly warns that the beast (the little horn speaking great things and blasphemies against God) will NOT come as a man of war, but as a man of PEACE using "flatteries"; saying all the right things to convince the foolish masses of your "team humanity" that he has all the answers, the solution to the immense pressure mankind as a whole is now being subjected to via COVID scam demic, "global warming", the whole "LGBTQP" movement, the many conflicts of "nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom" as Jesus warned (Matthew 24, etc.) which includes the constant threat of nuclear war; the cataclysmic threats in weather, finance, economy, supply chain collapse; the corrupting of our food, water, air by globalists; the rise of "terrorism" (whether real or false flag); threat of tyranny via overreach/oppression of megalomaniacal governments and their unelected overlords (like WEF). Mankind is being pressured to desire SATAN to come and rule them! They reject Jesus Christ because they want their kingdom here and now, not the heavenly one that only comes by faith in Jesus Christ!