Originally from my mother; alive on earth for over 64 years & twice born by the grace of God for more than 44 years. God has been good to me, so much better than I deserve. I was a filthy, wicked, guilty hell deserving sinner with no way to save myself from God's wrath. But praise God, he had mercy on me and brought me to see my need to be saved by Jesus Christ. He gave me repentance to the acknowledging of the truth & faith to believe on Jesus. On my way to heaven & desiring to make him known!
Hey Mike Adams, since you THINK you have it all figured out when it comes to Israel and what God will do to them (destroy and utterly obliterate them, according to your gross and heretical misinterpretation of scripture!); I have a suggestion: Please contact Brannon Howse with Worldviewweekend.com and Worldviewtube.com and debate him on this. also, I dare you to contact Aharon Levarko who is a Jewish believer in Jesus who, unlike you, actually lives in Israel and knows the truth about what is happening between the Hebrew nation and their enemies. He has a great website: www.Lighttothenationsministry.com. I'm sure he would also LOVE to speak with you and debate you concerning your very wrong views of Israel and why they are doing what they are. I hope you will contact both of them so they can set you straight on your ignorance before the very God that you claim to believe in and follow, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, ends up doing with YOU would you so arrogantly claim he will do with Israel: judge and destroy you! Beware Mike! The promise God gave Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that he reaffirmed to his grandson Jacob, is still in effect today! He will bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants and curse those who curse them! Repent Mike! You are treading on very dangerous ground! Your First Amendment right of freedom of speech can never negate or nullify God's law! You'll reap what you've sown! God promises there will be an Israel so long as the sun and moon exist!