Originally from my mother; alive on earth for over 64 years & twice born by the grace of God for more than 44 years. God has been good to me, so much better than I deserve. I was a filthy, wicked, guilty hell deserving sinner with no way to save myself from God's wrath. But praise God, he had mercy on me and brought me to see my need to be saved by Jesus Christ. He gave me repentance to the acknowledging of the truth & faith to believe on Jesus. On my way to heaven & desiring to make him known!
Ladies and gentlemen, honour of Thursday's "Presidential Debate", I give you the following poetic acronym titled "DONALD TRUMP VERSES JOSEPH BIDEN". Note that the FIRST letter of each line spells this out as a way to chronicle the obvious outcome of this event!
Defending what is true,
On top of his game,
Never blinked an eye,
Attacking deep state shame.
Level headed all the way,
Determined to speak right,
Tried by fire to thus prevail,
Relentless in the fight.
Unwavering in stating fact,
Masterfully made his case,
Prevailing over opposition,
Vile villains he did face.
Extremist Marxist mafia,
Renouncing all that's right,
Sadistic new world order crowd,
Ever love eternal night.
Stupid idiot display,
Joker for the fools,
Obama's toy right from the start,
Slave breaking all the rules.
Empty shell that babbles on,
Puppet pawn, so sad,
Hell-bent on his own destruction,
Bumbling, lying cad.
Infernal criminal extreme,
Descending from his throne,
Evicted by his devilish master,
Nigh to his hellish home!