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It's no wonder we are all confused!
This is just one child out of thousands whose life has been ended or destroyed by the vaccines. The vaccine monsters must be destroyed and their assets dispersed to the families whose children were murdered.
That's all we need.
The medical medicine machine used the "good faith" and documented "safe and effective" lies to con millions into what may be an "involuntary suicide" from this bioweapon. The greed that was exhibited by professional medical "professions" will be exposed, and these people should be prosecuted.
The truly sad part is she probably doesn't know that she has caused "a fate worse than death" for her family members as they slowly become sick and die, and the medical community becomes the only winner as they bill insurance for millions attempting to prolong the lives of these people whose only "crime" was they trusted their Doctors and the rest of the Health Professionals.
Sad beyond sad.
Thank you. I'm getting really tired of the negative people who can't see the forest for the trees.
@timomalum Many people still do not believe that this was a plan put into place many years ago. The people behind this really just want us all dead and gone and they want to keep enough of us around to bury the dead.
I have a friend who has a brother who lost his wife and daughter to the vaxx. He still doesn't believe that the vaxx killed them.
Well, that confirms it! It's time to find another operating system.
That has just gone to far.
Who do these people think they are.
This sure looks like a "Mother Ship" moving underwater to those of us who read a lot of science fiction.
Alternative News and Views, Reported by Agents Around the World, 24 hours a day Brought to you by Pfizer!
I am glad someone finally said it.
Don't tell them the truth! They can't handle it! It upsets all their preconceived ideas about everything. Changing an idea hurts their brains.
I believe the steak option is the cure for the problem. We do it indirectly by taking the troublemakers to the auction, where all that counts is weight.
@timomalum Hmmmm. Same regime as in the US.
I guess they got to go too!
I think most people are "over" the Obamas. When the stuff comes out about the child trafficking all this will go away.
I would like to start a movement to recommend Dr. Ardis for the Nobel Peace Prize.
He may not be interested, but he has SINGLE HANDEDLY provided us with the ammunition to save billions of people on this planet. He figured out what the bioweapon was YEARS before the Medical community finally agreed that he was right. Now he has discovered how to help heal us all and also heal some of the worst health problems that exist today.
Sounds like he might qualify, don't you think?
At the very least, EVERYONE should watch both the Mike Adams interview with him AND the Charlie Ward interview with him as they have basically the same information but each has extra bits that are helpful.
God Bless Dr. Ardis and I pray that he will continue to fight the evil ones who have tried to destroy us all.
To the CDC an adverse event is when you DON'T die.
Just a little difference, nobody will notice.
Just wait until the banks all close.
I wonder if the approval of Bidenomics will drop then?
The libtards will soon find out that the "undesirable" conservatives have been nice to them for too long. Now it is time to show them what happens when nice people have had all they can stand, and then some.
DC needs a big dose of this too.
I wonder how many days it would take to get all the J6'ers all pardoned and released?
Sounds like a plan to me.
I wonder if that will be shown during the 10 days?
A lot of people need to see that.