Babies' born during a lockdown have an altered gut microbiome, as well as lower than expected rates of allergic conditions, researchers from University College Cork in Ireland found.
www.dailymail.co.ukNo surprise there. Vaccines and antibiotics have been destroying the health of children from the beginning.
During the plandemic they found that one group of people were not affected by covid. These people had NEVER had a single vaccine. Blasphemy!
They also found that these people had another interesting attribute They NEVER got any of the major diseases, cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, liver failure, kidney failure and all the rest. They do get colds and flu at times but not like most people.
I figured out 30 years ago that I would never take another vaccine, not even tetanus. Guess how long it has been since I went to a doctor because I was sick? 30 years. Guess how many prescription drugs I have taken in the last 30 years? ZERO.
I had to get life insurance for our company about 20 years ago. When I told them I didn't take prescription drugs, they freaked out.
If I did get sick, 50 grams of IV vitamin C cures almost anything.
It is time for vaccines to be abolished. They are bad science.
@questionmark @Jleimer From where do you get IV Vitamin C? I know how to administer but do not know where to get it from.