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@HealthRanger I hope you are getting into the lawsuit with Trump against fb twitter and google.
@HealthRanger Mike can you test the water>

Back in 1982, in a column I was writing in a medical journal, I raised the question of whether or not public drinking water supplies could be polluted with female hormone residues which might affect the… Mike can you, test the water to see if the vaccine and nanotechnology is now in the water.
"Michael Flynn: False Flag to be blamed on Trump supporters. Stay away from large gatherings for the meantime. Do not type anything on your social media which can be used against you. Remove your pictures from your telegram profiles. FBI is creating Q groups on telegram to attract ‘white supremacists.’ You’ve been warned. Be smart and stay vigilant." 20210618
Alternative News and Views, Reported by Agents Around the World, 24 hours a day
www.rumormillnews.comMike look: @HealthRanger
Green teaandSpirulinaextractsinhibitSARS, MERS, and SARS-2 spike1pseudotypedvirus entryin vitro
Yes, But what he needs is the following .. HCQ Sulfate (the good stuff) I can get this .. Berberine, Quercetin, Zinc, Turmeric, N.A.C. or N.A.G., Azithromycin .. No virus or mRNA generated pathogen can withstand the anti-inflammatory powers of this combination ! ..
Chaga Mushrooms grown on Birch Bark is also good to add to the mix .. .. I use many medicinal mushrooms like Reishi, Agaricus Blazei, & Turkey Tail ..
In the vaccines, you might be seeing morgellons in this, kill shot.
Quantum Financial System and Global Currency Reset
Which is now is operating in the background and the upcoming financial system @HealthRanger
Did you know that iodine can help prevent cancer? In this clip, Mike Adams “The Health Ranger” uses music to illustrate how iodine is the prime number base harmonic of oxygen, which can help promote balance in your body’s innate healing system. Plus, learn how Iodine and oxygen work together to fight disease and restore overall wellness. Watch now!
#TheTruthAboutCancer #TTAC #MikeAdams #HealthRanger #healthyliving #Q4TC #FinalChapter
Have you ever heard of the “captive agency phenomenon”? In this clip, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains how regulators in the health industry become radically protective of pharmaceutical company interests than the companies themselves and how the medical mafia have gained control over the very bodies meant to regulate them. Watch now!
#TheTruthAboutCancer #TTAC #RFKJr #healthyliving #Q4TC #FinalChapter #BigPharma
Did you know activated charcoal can absorb more than 100 times its own weight in toxins? Talk about a powerful natural detoxifier! David “Avocado” Wolfe joins us yet again to talk about the power of activated charcoal & its many uses in the home. He believes that charcoal transforms us from the inside out… and for good reason. Watch now to learn more!
#detox #activatedcharcoal #holistichealth #naturalhealing #Q4TC #FinalChapter #TTAC #TheTruthAboutCancer #DavidWolfe
Adverse Reaction to Moderna 'Vaccice' caught on Video.
Hi, ok trying to watch the stream but Mines is buffering to much.
Did you know this?
Join us to learn more shocking truths from Zach and other brave men and women in our brand-new, groundbreaking, 9-episode cancer docu-series ‘Quest for the Cures: FINAL CHAPTER.’
Watch the trailer now & save your seat to WATCH FREE starting 4.21.21
#covid19 #censorship #Google #truth #TTAC #TheTruthAboutCancer #Q4TC #FinalChapter
ASBESTOS much they care about our health..

Scientists Find Evidence Carcinogens and Other Toxic Chemicals in Face Masks
Humans Are FreeSentenced to hanging
“You refused counsel. You refused to defend yourself. This tribunal therefore decides that the defendant, detainee Hillary Rodham Clinton, be hanged by the neck until dead,” Vice Adm. Hannink said flatly. “The sentence will be carried out on April 26, after Taps.”

A military tribunal on Thursday convicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, child trafficking, endangering a minor, treason,…
Real Raw NewsStrange Alive Worm-Like Fibers Found in Face #Masks Produced for COVID

What are these strange, alive, worm-like mask fibers being found worldwide? Is this indicative of a nanotech invasion/Synthetic Agenda?
The Freedom Articles#Chile ordered a #nationwide #lockdown after #coronavirus cases strained its #hospitalsystem

The South American nation of Chile was lauded by its neighbors for its coronavirus vaccination program, comparable to that of Israel. The Middle Eastern country managed to emerge from a lockdown with the…