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@TwistedEagle the problem is that Amazon has taken out mom and pop shops and their ability to compete in the current market. Most stores use amazon to get traffic to their items. ther will have to be a huge change in who controls the marketing on the internet if things are to work out without amazon, walmart etc.This is all by plan
@TwistedEagle war on truth
Friends, we are at the highest level of disinformation that has ever been ran on American Minds. Be Aware, you are being confused as a war tactic. We must sit back and observe to see the truth "As it is." Our emotions evoked are apart of MK Ultra etc.. Mocking Bird.. time to focus on the big picture
@TwistedEagle on purpose ofcourse as they drain our fuel reserves too
this video is great, the last podcast from ConsciousnessToday was in the same realm and describes the same wisdom but this comes with visuals. I really enjoyed this
Arizona! Mounting an offense, amazing briefing on new info, Secret Location, Kari Lake, Mark Lamb, serious stuff here, affects us all

🇺🇸Check Out Our New “TEAM JESUS” T-Shirts! 🇺🇸 Printed in Cincinnati, Ohio By Americans LIVE STREAM: PODCAST:… CIA Propoganda Shill
@TwistedEagle i agree with your assesment
This Consciousness/mind control operation has devloped into a global civil war based on beleifs and the ability to get people to go to war over them.
This psy-op has definitely worked to divide people and work against any way to ever unite. Its evil genious at work.
Blows my mind that people ( are they human? ) on this earth would create such situations to make attempt to be the gods of the earth
New Dr. Carrie Madej July Intel Update with Aman Jabbi July 2022
IF you have not seen this, it will blow your mind where the plans all are going. Our consciousness is supposed to be soveriegn by design. What gives people the idea that its fine to just take and do what they want with someone elses consciousness, free of conscequence?
Have a listen : ) This is an in depth analysis of the collective mental illness running the world. Its our responsibility today to call things what they are. We need to take real responsibility of our faculties which have a direct influence on our daily creations and lives. The solution is never at the level of the problem, we do not need to meet them at their level. Go Higher!
@hippiegirl692002 thank you for the support!
@POLITICALPORN1 I know this stuff but this detailed video takes the knowing to another level wehn you hear the globalists speaking of no more free will.
@ConsciousnessToday @POLITICALPORN1 they poison you with their bioweapon jabs from the time you're born and then various pharmaceuticals for the illnesses and injuries caused by all the injections you're required and manipulated by doctors and nurses to take. Then throughout your life they poison you with chemicals in your food, air, and many of the products you use which cause more damage, both known and unknown. And then, in order to further pad their bank accounts, stock portfolios, and pay for their rich and famous lifestyles, instead of assisting you with natural and less costly remedies, they present you with over the top expensive jabs, drugs, and devices such as this that serve only as bandaids as opposed to ACTUAL CURES -- all while you become even more unhealthy and toxic while sinking further and further into debt as you attempt to pay for the damage they have caused.
@ConsciousnessToday @POLITICALPORN1 some may be deluded into a false sense of security because they have health insurance and be fortunate enough to have low or no deductibles, so the cost for all this may, for them, appear to be minimal. My husband has a good job and because of that we have pretty decent health insurance. However, since almost the beginning of the whole Scamdemic, I have absolutely refused to take advantage of this, so those deductions from his paycheck for that insurance have been nothing more than non-tax deductible donations to the mafia-style insurance companies.
All those dollars that could have been invested into something more useful like gold, silver, food, ammo, guns, increasing our monthly mortgage payments, making repairs to our home, purchasing more land, vitamins, supplements, etc. etc. etc.