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LIARS: Study Cited by CDC to Push New Mask Guidance was Rejected by Peer Review and Based on Vaccine Not Used in US

A study used by the CDC to push for continued masking in the US was debunked and rejected by peers in India. The study was based on The study was based on a model that used non-US approved vaccines. The…
The Gateway Pundit@Reydeicuori
when the AZ audit results are released...of course!
#NewJersey parents sue state to prevent school #maskmandates #medicaltyranny

Parents in New Jersey filed a lawsuit to block any Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) mask mandates that might be imposed on public schools in the state next fall, saying that any such mandate would violate…
www.naturalnews.comWhile they scare you with “variants,” Congress wants to make dietary supplements prescription only – TAKE ACTION NOW

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is once again attempting to eliminate your freedom to access dietary supplements, this time by slipping his own hidden bill into the upcoming appropriations bill, which is expected…
www.naturalnews.comPray for Cuba's freedom from their communist dictator because when the Biden administration starts killing and imprisoning more Americans we will need to escape to Cuba.
Aerial shot shows massive demonstration against COVID vaccination in Greece.
Post-Vaccine Deaths: Where Are The Autopsies?
Dr. Jane Orient weighs in. Yet another facet of standard medical practice is being suppressed. Autopsies were routinely ordered in cases where death is unexplained or needed to be studied for clarification. The Technocrat mimd is essentially stating, “We know people are dying but we don’t care to know why.” ⁃ TN Editor

Yet another facet of standard medical practice is being suppressed. Autopsies were routinely ordered in cases where death is unexplained or needed to be studied for clarification. The Technocrat mimd is…
Technocracy NewsWhite House Allies to ‘Dispel’ Vaccine Misinformation in Text Messages - #privacy #freedomofspeech

Rumors are circulating about the White House and the DNC combating misinformation sent through texts and SMS. Here's what is known so far.
Heavy.comThe Fauci Body Count!
"Mystery: 3 Presidents All Died After Blocking Distribution of COVID Vaccines In Their Countries"
Think Twice Before Giving the COVID Vax to Healthy Kids
— Based on the data to date, there's no compelling case for it right now by Martin Makary MD, MPH, Editor-in-Chief, MedPage Today June 10, 2021 -

Based on the data to date, there's no compelling case for it right now"FRAUD OF UNPRECEDENTED PROPORTIONS"-- Lisbon Court Confirms Citizen's Petition That Portugal's Covid Deaths Stats Were FABRICATED: Only 152 Died "Of Covid" Not 17,000 -

Those Were Only PCR Tests. Bear In Mind John Magufuli Got Positive SARS Cov 2 PCR "Tests" From Fruit