I am old. I have no insider contacts. I'm just guessing.
Germany has a Military Transitional Government.
"Military is the only way" - Q
Germany: Decree of the Military Transitional Government.
Germany has been declared a vaccine- and test-free zone. This means that all vaccinations, injections and PCR testing should cease with immediate effect. This was confirmed by the Commander-in-Chief of Special Forces for Germany.
ransitional government forces are being deployed all over the world to protect humanity. They are setting up military courts that can, among other things, sentence to death people who violate this decree. There will be no exceptions in Germany either. All German politicians have received a letter to cease their activities.
Welcome, Q, Z.

Tues. 26 April at midnight the United Nations loses all power over any sovereign nation per national treaties. They work with the World Bank SWIFT system. Sovereign nations will have to switch to t…
Operation Disclosure Official