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@timomalum GIVESENDGO #1 Free Christian Crowdfunding site, non-profit
@Astral Seriously, he has lost his mind.
@peterlittlehorse how about I haven't seen the first person offering poppies? One size doesn't fit all here.
@Reydeicuori Terry McCaulliff (spelling here) thinks the exact same way! He's running for governor of Virginia. God help us all.
@PattersonGlenFarm "Highly educated" look down upon us mere commoners. "Common" equals common sense, which clearly they lack. Can't fix stupid. And for this their parents are assuming their debt. Good luck in the real world.
@deputt they've earned the same status as bill collectors and car warranty salesmen
Rest In Peace, Rush Limbaugh. Thank you for opening the eyes of millions. You are sorely missed
@PattersonGlenFartheres a reason for the breakdown of the family. Grandparents teach these things and more!!m
@ericbowenky this is exactly what Maxine waters is screaming about! “Trump is in every city or town local government.” That’s why he must be impeached if she’s worried about local government, then that should be telling us something
@ThePatriot and they say "Not for medical use." That's comforting, no? And we trust our lives to these things? They think we must be really stupid.
@radioamericausa boycotting football because of their foolishness. No need to worry about this family spreading anything
@Linna Darwin Award contenders! Let’s just say they’re doing their part to improve the gene pool
@jrkuvoski @TheDirunkenNews If Q did anything, it United the “commoners” into an at least 80-million strong cohesive group determined to not be discounted and ignored. That alone is MAGAnificent! Keep calm and carry on!
@mhoran1158 NESARA in other words. Open borders to LEGAL immigrants
@FreeNewsMatters @HealthRanger Sorry it took me so long to reply. I’ve never listened to Simon Parker or the other. Steve Quayle, I listed to while he was on his giants phase. My conclusion was and is that he sure sounds knowledgeable, but it’s fear mongering in my opinion, and fear mongering isn’t helpful in any situation.
If something is happening right now Military operations do you think they will tell you who, what, where, when, you will find out when they are done the operation, if they want to tell the public. common sense.