@HealthRanger Regarding the "prophecies are not set in stone" hypothesis.
Well, actually they are. You just need to be able to distinguish between WARNINGS and PROPHECIES when reading the Bible.
Definition of a WARNING: IF (condition) THEN {Time Limit; Result}
Definition of a PROPHECY: {Result}
Notice there's no time limit or date set for PROPHECIES.
The example of Jonah is standard: read carefully, he was told to go and WARN Nineveh.
When Jonah finally went, he actually voiced out loud a TIME LIMIT to them: 40 days.
The difference with prophecies is that no one will know WHEN they are about to be fulfilled.
@virgo_terminus @HealthRanger
When a change in dispensations occurs? God definitely lets you know, even if the timing is in “overlap”….
Noah knew so long as Methuselah was alive? They had time…..he was the “visual” token
The Lord cursed the fig tree? But the vail tearing from top down was the visual token, the Holy of Holies had been secured.
Jesus offered the kingdom, but his herald (John) being so malevolently treated? Jesus switched to parables….the beheading was a token.
The Body of Christ being still “present” on Earth? The token….Revelation 4:1 has not commenced, much less chapter 6, 11, 14, or 18…..
Ichabod….”the glory has departed”, will leave no doubts, darkness will choke those who remain, the writhing cadaver of Gentile powers refusing to relinquish the Rod (used to chasten Gods firstborn (Exodus 4:22)