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The meaning of life and purpose of this planet.
This whole planet is a big zoo created by God and populated with specimens (human and non-human) in order for the specimens to go through as much torture, pain, disasters etc. as possible, for the personal enjoyment of GOD.
Wanna know why children get disappeared, sacrificed, killed, tortured, raped? For GOD to enjoy while having some popcorn.
Wanna know why Satan is in charge of the Amerikan govt and the whole planet? Because GOD wants so.
Wanna know what you can do to improve anything? F*cking nothing, because God makes sure of that. He made sure the snake is almighty and rules over all, because the snake has a bigger better contract from God than us peasants and dirtbags.
The only thing you can do to improve your situation is to take an early exit, no one of us ever signed for this crap before being spit out on this f*cking planet.
The sooner you reject the contract, the better off you'll be.
A warm "Yippee-kay-ey mothersuckers!" from GOD to you !
To all those hyperventilating after reading 2 paragraphs from the Bible:
Before hallucinating yourself about "war between good and evil", ask yourself: Is God almighty or is He not?
There are only 2 options:
1. If He's not almighty, then He's not God.
2. If He is almighty, then a very curious conclusion comes: EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING THAT HAPPENS, HAPPENS BECAUSE GOD WANTS IT TO HAPPEN.
Every single little thing such as the Nazi police busting down your door to kill you, or some Bidenian invader axing your head off in the street.
What, you think God couldn't simply snap a finger and instantly destroy this crapful Zoo called Earth along with all satanists and the entire universe???
You think prayer is going to help you? Prayer is bullsh*t (or if you want biblical terms - ox dung). I never had anything good coming from a prayer - only disasters and curses - it's a waste of breath. Not only that, but most often if you pray you are hit by disasters and curses, so prayer is not only useless, it's also dangerous.
Check out 1 John 5:14 and see that prayer only works "if we ask any thing according to his will".
And what is His will?
Good luck figuring that out !!
What, how do you know it's His will for you to find some job or get out of some trouble? Baloney, you have no way to know. If God wants you dead in pieces, you will get dead in pieces.
Try reading the book of Job and see for yourself what happened:
First of all, Satan seems to have no problem hanging around in Heaven with God and all the angels. You tryin to tell me that Satan is evil and God is good? Hm, If God doesn't tolerate evil, how come He tolerates Satan in His own dwelling? Could it be that Satan is just God's handyman sent to do all His dirty jobs???
The book of Job plainly tells you what happens: God places a bet with Satan (talk about gambling, eh?) and as a result, God sends Satan out to take Job for a few spins until Job is completely destroyed.
Bare in mind that God Himself testifies about Job that he is the MOST RIGHTEOUS MAN ON THE PLANET at that time.
Do you think you can compare to Job?? Yeah right, wishful thinking.
Try peeling your eyes to Job 2:10 and get it in your head that good and evil BOTH come from God.
No use talking about Satan, there's no Satan, there's only God.
Everything that happens is God's responsibility.
And this huge Zoo we've all been spat into was created for God's personal enjoyment.
Yes, that's right, babies being killed and their blood drunk, genocide and the whole shebang is for God's personal enjoyment.
You ending homeless and in pieces on the organ donor black market is for God's personal enjoyment.
Wanna know something else?
If you're not an Israelite, to God you're a dog !!!
Just read Matthew 15:26
The non-Israelites are only used by God to provoke Israel to jealousy, that's all - see Romans 10:19 and 11:11.
Everything Jesus preached, He only preached to Israel - see Matthew 15:24. Not for you today, You are garbage to God, cannon fodder, scum.
The only thing you get from God is the promise that - after you exit the Hell you're currently in, by kicking the bucket - you will get to live in Heaven, if you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, which He truly is.
But as long as you're here, you're only promised hell and pain and torture galore.
And America the Babylon is dead and gone, and everyone in it is going to get punished. Doesn't matter if you're Christian, Satanist, Buddhist or Martian, you'll get whacked along with everybody else. No Trumps and no RFKs are going to solve anything, they're all Zionists and part of the same problem.
Hell is coming, Yipee-Kay-Yey !!
If you want to still be able to access all websites of interest to you, here's a simple solution: get the IP address of each website (for instance ping, that will give you the IP) and put the IPs in your /etc/hosts associated with the domain.
After that you will not need any DNS servers to point you to those websites, your computer will take care of the DNS.
Oh, sorry, I forgot:
You will need to first dump all Microshit Windblows crap, Crapple crap or Goggle crap OS-es if you're still running this kind of BS, and get to Linux !!
OK, so everybody got their 5 cents on this topic so far.
Nevertheless, everybody missed the most important factor: GOD exists and is real.
That means the Book is true.
That means... God will never allow a global thermonuclear war, for the very simple motive that IF THAT HAPPENS, GOD WILL HAVE NOBODY LEFT TO TORTURE ON THE PLANET.
And guess what: God cannot have that !!!
So keep this in mind when you hear all kinds of news about chances for nuclear conflict. Maybe one or two nukes might eventually fly, but it will NEVER go global. God will stop it.
That being said, America is still dead and finished and the funeral is in full swing, the people will still die and suffer regardless of whether they're Christians or not, because when God sends Satan to do His dirty job, it doesn't matter if you're Christian, Muslim or Martian, Satan will still take you for a spin 7 times a day!! Because he's got a better contract from God than us humans and he's got the upper hand.
So relax, you're still gonna die killed by rabid dog invaders, by American Bidet setting you on fire (Hawaii, Kalifornia), by Nazi FBI police putting 40 bullets in you(r family), by machine-gunning terminator robodogs, none of that changed.
God has all kinds of good things in store for you, ha ha!!
Things are different though if you're some big Satanist, child exterminator, sacrificer and blood drinker. In that case, God will protect you all the way. Yipee-Kay-Yey!
@virgo_terminus you are an idiot
Why did DeSantis withdraw?
Well, because his Juice handlers ordered him to do so, in order to make room for Trump.
Trump already has proven he is the perfect Juice puppet, and it seems the Juice plan to have him on for the final chapter of Mystery Babylon.
So yeah, Trump will be the next in the Whack House.
You can already KNOW that.
"But if we hold to our values, and if we hold to our courage and to our principles, we can defeat these anti-american fascist lunatics that mutilate children and murder unborn children. We could defeat them at the ballot box, we could defeat them in the public space of debate and ideas, and we can remove them from power and restore sanity ..."
Holy cow !!!
It's not that I argue with this idea or I think it's wrong.
But saying or expecting anything like that simply denotes a DEADLY level of naivete.
I mean, this kind of thinking simply defeats the very idea of "prepping".
Any "prepper" who thinks like that is already as good as dead. May as well just go line up for the last 50 episodes of injections and get it over with.
Who's "we" ?? Can you muster at least 1000 of them, armed and capable of defeating the enemy??
What "ballot box" is that? The same one that the Scum successfully defrauded for the last hundred of years?
What "space of debate and ideas" is that? The one the Scum controlled for the last hundred of years and today more than ever? How come Yucktube is even today a lot more watched than Rumble?
Have you ever wondered how many like minded patriots are left right now on the same 100 square mile area as you?? Is there at least ONE, you think??
Why do you think Alex Jones finally got "rehabilitated" on Twister??
Well, HR got it right, except for ignoring three factors:
0. There are NO real elections.
If anyone did not figure that out yet, I'm sorry but they're hopeless. If Trump is somehow officially declared as "winner", it simply means the elite Skum selected him for the next stage of their operation.
So spare me the bull*hit with "elections". I stopped buying that a long time ago
1. The intervention of treasonous US Gov. Scum:
As long as patriots don't have their own air defence, they're already as good as dead. When the gov. start flying rockets or HKs over their head and bomb them to hell to help the planted invaders do their job, their lifespan will be at most a few hours.
Aside from that, the gov. scum - unlike the patriots - has nuclear weapons, as they already pointed out a while ago ...
2. The intervention of foreign forces:
The chinks are already a stone throw away, in Unjustin Traitoreau's backyard. When they roll over down south, there's going to be nothing left.
Aside these factors, HR actually got one thing WRONG;
TRUMP IS ON THE SAME BOAT AS Bull*hit Gates of Hell, Bark F*ckerberg, the Bezoid, the F*ckefellers, the RottenChilds, Klaus the Schwein, the american Bidet, the Obamanoid, the Buschmucks and all the rest of the Skum.
So ha ha, good luck with Trump!
RE: "Massive telecom outage"
No kiddin' ! They think we're all so dumb to believe these are "outages"?
BULLSH*T !!! They simply shut the whole shebang down.
Same thing they did in Canada in 2022-Jul-08.
Don't you remember Klaus Der Schwein said they would do this?
Just a rehearsal for your future daily life.
Get used to it, sheeple !!! HA HA
You gotta see this. You'll die laughing:
@HealthRanger Regarding the "prophecies are not set in stone" hypothesis.
Well, actually they are. You just need to be able to distinguish between WARNINGS and PROPHECIES when reading the Bible.
Definition of a WARNING: IF (condition) THEN {Time Limit; Result}
Definition of a PROPHECY: {Result}
Notice there's no time limit or date set for PROPHECIES.
The example of Jonah is standard: read carefully, he was told to go and WARN Nineveh.
When Jonah finally went, he actually voiced out loud a TIME LIMIT to them: 40 days.
The difference with prophecies is that no one will know WHEN they are about to be fulfilled.
@HealthRanger A few notes on "The Luciferian plot to destroy Christianity, Islam and Judaism":
It's not that it "triggered" me, I'm not triggerable.
I just want to explain some things.
The more informed you are, the more accurate your perception will be, and your understanding and knowledge too.
If you want to really form an informed opinion on "the Rapture", YOU MUST read the NT thoroughly. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF. Everyone does.
"The Rapture" is not intended to be just an escape. If you read thoroughly, the event is not really about "rapturing". It is about the first resurrection. And the necessity of this event is dictated by the end of this dispensation (period of time when God has a specific policy of dealing with humans).
The idea of Rapture was not invented by Darby, but by Paul the apostle who wrote much of NT. And the clouds ARE real, just see the ascension of Jesus in Acts 1.
@HealthRanger The idea of Rapture was not created by man.
You can't claim you are a Bible believer and think everything in that book is a metaphor.
If you go that way, then Jesus wasn't real, God is not real, Israelites are not real, Jerusalem is not real, Satan is not real, the entire creation is not real: trees are not real, you and me are not real, and everything is just a fable, like Homer's Odyssey.
And you claiming you believe in Jesus is just a facade.
This road doesn't lead anywhere. :)
Common sense dictates that all things in the Bible should be taken literally, unless they cannot make sense except as metaphors.
If you really want to do the real thing, you should (first read the Bible thoroughly, then) schedule two interviews, one with a pro-rapture scholar and one with an anti-rapture scholar.
@HealthRanger And you need to find out and understand what "the fullness of the Gentiles" is.
You yourself admit you don't have a biblical scholar background, and therefore some better study is needed here to form a really informed opinion.
I actually studied the bible quite a lot, and thanks to the effort I actually came to understand things much better (than before).
That being said, there's no time set in the Bible for the first ressurection. And preparedness IS THE WISE THING TO DO for anybody, including Christians, because no one knows when "the fullness of the Gentile" will occur.
@HealthRanger This event will result in ressurecting all dead Christians plus the removal of the living ones from Earth.
The necessity of this event is actually quite logical if you think about it for a minute, if this dispensation is to end, because the procedure required to get right with God will change in the next dispensation (70th week of Daniel, a.k.a. the "Tribulation").
And if that changes, then all existing believers (dead or alive) MUST be taken off the game board before God turns this page.
About the interview with Dr. Shiva:
OK, let's say we have the miracle candidate, all for humanity and so on.
So what?
Can he do ANYTHING all by himself?
Nope, nada, niente, nicht, zero, zilch.
- The NaZionists own the Presidency.
- The NaZionists own the Elections
- The NaZionists own the (In)Justice system
- The NaZionists own the Banks
- The NaZionists own the Congress
- The NaZionists own the Senate
- The NaZionists own the mayors
- The NaZionists own the (Anti)Health system
- The NaZionists own Trump
- The NaZionists own RFK
- The NaZionists own DeSantis
- The NaZionists own the food industry
- The NaZionists own the military
- The NaZionists own the Air Force
- The Sheeple own their smartphones which did a great job dumbifying and zombifying 80-90% of them.
That being so, the direction this planet is going is already SET IN STONE.
Good night !
@virgo_terminus It does look like it. Too many criminals, non-humans, whatever they are in total control. Sad to say, it does look more than daunting and impossible to change everything that needs to be achieved for human civilisation, everywhere.
There would be only ONE solution: armed revolt. All population should take up arms and kill all scum. Globally, in all countries.
But that can't happen and won't happen, many populations don't even have firearms, plus the scum control all armies and they have much bigger weapons. And the armies themselves have been purged of all patriots and neuron owners during the BOVID bullsh*t propaganda when they refused to take their injection, so all armies are now 100% scum and they won't side with the population
Plus - 90% of the sheeple are dumbed down by fluoride, stupidified by their sh*tphones and already injected X times with the BOVID crap extermination injection.
So yeah, it's Good Night!
Is anyone wondering WHERE we're headed?
The big picture?
What started in 2020 looks a lot like Rev.6:1-2.
The "medical system" (dressed in white) as a white horse, with a "corona" (crown) on the head, going forth conquering and to conquer (196 countries).
Now we see what looks a lot like Rev.6:4: the vehicle of war as a red horse, "taking peace from the earth, so they should kill one another", and a "great sword" taking shape.
If the text is correct, all this still CANNOT be the real deal, because acc. to the text, before the seals start breaking, a great signal must be sounded that no one can miss (Rev.5:13 - no one ever figured this out yet).
As of this moment, God never gave this signal.
Then what is all this? My guess, Satan mocks God's prophecy, making for a little rehearsal.
In any case, if he follows the same script, it's clear what's next.
Thank you for your insight. You may be correct. Whatever is going on, I think that it is safe to conclude that it began in 2020; nothing has been the same since and there is an almost universal feeling among those who are aware, that we have definitely turned a serious page in history and that things are NEVER going back again. It is all new, and ever-changing. Hang-in there. OK? @virgo_terminus
Turkey sends 100 ships to defend Gaza. Israel's allies have about 60 ships already there or en route. I'm not saying this is it, but this IS UNPRECEDENTED and it sounds a lot like Jeremiah 49:23:
"Concerning Damascus. Hamath is confounded, and Arpad: for they have heard evil tidings: they are fainthearted; there is sorrow on the sea; it cannot be quiet."
You are correct, I believe.@virgo_terminus
Wisdom says: if you want to take sides, take God's side. In order to do that, you need to know what God LIKES. Short list:
1. Little children (Mat.18:1-6). So pray for God to protect the little children (no particular ethnicity, nation, country)
2. Peacemakers (and so peace) (Mat.5:9), "for they shall be called the children of God". So pray for God to prod high-level leaders (1Tim.2:1-4,Prov.21:1,8:15-16) towards peace.
Warning: do NOT pray TO GOD if you don't have a good standing WITH GOD (Prov.28:9). Bad things can happen. You have a good standing when you're covered by the blood of the Lamb.