About the interview with Dr. Shiva:
OK, let's say we have the miracle candidate, all for humanity and so on.
So what?
Can he do ANYTHING all by himself?
Nope, nada, niente, nicht, zero, zilch.
- The NaZionists own the Presidency.
- The NaZionists own the Elections
- The NaZionists own the (In)Justice system
- The NaZionists own the Banks
- The NaZionists own the Congress
- The NaZionists own the Senate
- The NaZionists own the mayors
- The NaZionists own the (Anti)Health system
- The NaZionists own Trump
- The NaZionists own RFK
- The NaZionists own DeSantis
- The NaZionists own the food industry
- The NaZionists own the military
- The NaZionists own the Air Force
- The Sheeple own their smartphones which did a great job dumbifying and zombifying 80-90% of them.
That being so, the direction this planet is going is already SET IN STONE.
Good night !