@HealthRanger A few notes on "The Luciferian plot to destroy Christianity, Islam and Judaism":
It's not that it "triggered" me, I'm not triggerable.
I just want to explain some things.
The more informed you are, the more accurate your perception will be, and your understanding and knowledge too.
If you want to really form an informed opinion on "the Rapture", YOU MUST read the NT thoroughly. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF. Everyone does.
"The Rapture" is not intended to be just an escape. If you read thoroughly, the event is not really about "rapturing". It is about the first resurrection. And the necessity of this event is dictated by the end of this dispensation (period of time when God has a specific policy of dealing with humans).
The idea of Rapture was not invented by Darby, but by Paul the apostle who wrote much of NT. And the clouds ARE real, just see the ascension of Jesus in Acts 1.
@HealthRanger The idea of Rapture was not created by man.
You can't claim you are a Bible believer and think everything in that book is a metaphor.
If you go that way, then Jesus wasn't real, God is not real, Israelites are not real, Jerusalem is not real, Satan is not real, the entire creation is not real: trees are not real, you and me are not real, and everything is just a fable, like Homer's Odyssey.
And you claiming you believe in Jesus is just a facade.
This road doesn't lead anywhere. :)
Common sense dictates that all things in the Bible should be taken literally, unless they cannot make sense except as metaphors.
If you really want to do the real thing, you should (first read the Bible thoroughly, then) schedule two interviews, one with a pro-rapture scholar and one with an anti-rapture scholar.