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Sometimes a Picture speaks a Thousand Words.
This is one of those.
This was the Women's NCAA National Championships last night.
The winner, a Male Transgender is on the first place podium, while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th places all women, huddle together on the podium as far away as possible from the guy screwing thier sport over. That too was the feeling thru the whole event.
Incase you were wondering when the deployment of the medical Identification cards (Vax ID Cards) would be. It was planned for the past 3 years. Its coming in 2022. I am not guessing lol. Take a look.
The CEO of BAYER Pharmaceuticals division speaking live at the World Health Summit 2021..... (I watched the video.) This is an exact transcript.
Its worth a look.
Anthony Faucci is literally the highest paid federal government employee in America. He is making just shy of half a million dollars a year!
Bill Gates? Well. He doesnt work for the Government does he?
Surely there is no way he could be profiting from this could there be?
Today is a special Day. Remembering December 7th 1941. This year is also a celestial world cycle year for the same. Every 80 years or so, A great society changing war occurs.
Today is the year 2021, exactly 80 years ago today, was December 7th 1941. The Beginning of World War 2
80 years before that? American Civil War. Transformed Society.
80 years before that? Revolutionary War, Transformed Society.
This 80 year pattern is celestial; no generation can bypass it and not pay their dues.
Is it too early for #Christmas #Caroling ???
Im just in the christmas spirit today! Thanksgiving was great!
Joseph Rosenbaum was an interesting character. He legitimately was "That guy".
Take a look at this one.
@FireSnake makes you wonder where they recruit these guys!
@FireSnake there you have it, emblematic of society’s sewer
Joseph Rosenbaum was an interesting character. He legitimately was "That guy".
Take a look at this one.
Is that price that high because of state taxes? or is it some thing where the gas station owners want to make more money?
Or is it a fuel truck delivery problem?
Or is this part of some green new deal political effort to discourage people from using gasoline in cars from now on?
There is no reason in America that I know of this should be happening.
Have you noticed yet?
#Athlete on the field dropping on fairly regular basis now. Many of them being told they can never come back to the game because of their #myocarditis conditions.
in 40 years of sports, Never has it be like this. It all started in 2021. Can you figure it out? Or are you also in denial about the turth because you dont want to face it?
@BeverlyTymchuk @FireSnake I was one of those hippies and I am deeply conservative. I think that what has changed is we took God out of the government and our schools. Godless commies took over and have marched for Marx ever since. without God, we have no moral authority to base our actions on.