Truth Justice ™
THE SUM OF ALL FEARS: Drones may be looking for a Ukrainian Nuclear Warhead that has entered the United States of America. John Ferguson is the Chief Executive Officer of Saxon Aerospace and he thinks it is possible that these Secret Drones are looking for a lost Nuclear Warhead.
He says the United States Government, this Administration is pushing to get into a war with Russia. There is no purpose or reason for these Drones to be flying at night unless they are looking for something.
If that's true, why are we all looking into the sky?
Seems to me a few hundred million people should be watching the ground where these devices more likely are than studying drones.
The real danger is a gov't that only knows how to lie to it's people.
@GoldieElaine...U.S.Military HPGe highly sensitive radiation detection equipment ...searching for dirty bomb or nuclear weapon...THEY " DO NOT " KNOW WHERE THIS DEVICE IS.!