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"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." – George Orwell
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." – George Orwell
In the 1970s, troves of taxpayer money went into an ambiguous project known as Stargate. Government officials wanted to investigate the legitimacy of paranormal phenomena such as out-of-body experiences, telekinetic feats, and other supernatural abilities. What ultimately unfolded during one particular assignment would forever change the lives of those involved:

Declassified Document Reveals the US Government Discovered an Ancient Martian Race
Humans Be FreeBillionaire George Soros is that rare megalomaniac who not only believes he’s a god but revels in behaving like one.
“It’s a sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out,” he once boasted to The Independent.
This god complex, combined with his downright amorality and bizarre ideas about society, makes the 92-year-old extremely dangerous to democracies, especially America:

George Soros’ Chief Mission is the Downfall of America
Humans Be FreeThroughout the decades, America’s infamous Central Intelligence Agency has created countless clandestine programs. Following the Cuban Missile Crisis, federal agents unveiled Operation Northwoods — a proposed series of violent terrorist attacks on U.S. cities that would be blamed on Fidel Castro. MKUltra was a series of human experiments in which test subjects were given large doses of mind-altering drugs and psychologically tortured:

Declassified Document Reveals the US Government Discovered an Ancient Martian Race
Humans Be FreeDecades before President George H.W. Bush introduced the “New World Order” (NWO) into the American vernacular, the Rockefeller family and their minions were making plans to expend America’s post-World War 2 power to bring about such an order:

Decades before President George H.W. Bush introduced the “New World Order” (NWO) into the American vernacular, the Rockefeller family and their minions were making plans to expend America’s post-World…
Humans Be FreeEverything exists in the present moment and it’s a fundamental principle of the Universe that many of our scientists are still trying to grasp. Time does not actually exist and Quantum Theory proves it.
There are things that are closer to you in time, and things that are further away, just as there are things that are near or far away in space. But the idea that time flows past you is just as absurd as the suggestion that space does:

Everything exists in the present moment and it's a fundamental principle of the Universe that many of our scientists are still trying to grasp. Time does not actually exist and Quantum Theory proves it.…
Humans Be FreeIn light of the push for green energy, the World Economic Forum said actions need to be taken to lessen dependence on critical metals. Now, the WEF is calling for the end of private car ownership:

WEF Calls for End of Private Car Ownership
Humans Be FreeIn light of the push for green energy, the World Economic Forum said actions need to be taken to lessen dependence on critical metals. Now, the WEF is calling for the end of private car ownership:

WEF Calls for End of Private Car Ownership
Humans Be FreeWEF suggests there are ways to “ethically make these amazing technologies a part of our lives.”
The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has set out to normalize is the idea of implanting tracking chips into humans:

World Economic Forum: There Are 'Rational' Reasons to Microchip Your Child
Humans Be Free“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve. People not yet sufficiently convinced of this statement could understand it to be meant comparatively only.
“But for those who are familiar with this phenomenon, it is a reality. If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Anxiety, depression, and fear ravage so many today, but few pause to consider that in addition to the material influences in our lives, we may be also under the influence of beings which exist in dimensions…
Humans Be FreeA series of email exchanges between Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore and South Korean Professor Seok-soon Park shows him saying that climate change is based on false narratives and that it has become more of a political movement than an environmental movement:

Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based On False Narratives
Humans Be FreeWEF suggests there are ways to “ethically make these amazing technologies a part of our lives.”
The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has set out to normalize is the idea of implanting tracking chips into humans:

World Economic Forum: There Are 'Rational' Reasons to Microchip Your Child
Humans Be FreeA series of email exchanges between Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore and South Korean Professor Seok-soon Park shows him saying that climate change is based on false narratives and that it has become more of a political movement than an environmental movement:

Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based On False Narratives
Humans Be FreeOn top of mothering a child predator and helping to cover up his crimes, Queen Elizabeth — during her time as a monarch — fleeced the taxpayers of England for hundreds of millions just to pay for her castle.
During this time, she hid her finances offshore — despite the fact that the Royal Family is tax exempt — and made countless billions off the backs of her subjects.
She also oversaw the horrific colonization of multiple territories in Africa and Asia in which people were savagely tortured, their land stolen, and their people slaughtered:

The Eulogy of Queen Elizabeth II That You Won't See On Your TV
Humans Be FreeThe Vatican is one of the most powerful corporations in the world. It is powerful because it controls the Crown of England and nearly every church in the world, especially Catholic churches.
Furthermore, the Vatican operates under Roman law and controls most of the Western courts and some Eastern courts.
In the USA today, nearly every U.S. court is controlled by the Crown Temple, a corporation controlled by the Vatican. This is why there is always a Crown agent in the courtroom during a trial.
Any country that has Crown agents running its legal system is controlled by the Vatican/Rome to a large degree. This means that the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and “countries” that are operating under the Western legal system are all Roman “colonies”:

The Vatican is one of the most powerful corporations in the world. It is powerful because it controls the Crown of England and nearly every church in the world, especially Catholic churches.Furthermore,…
Humans Be FreeThere’s a war going on that no one is safe from. It’s a War of Inversion and an all-out assault against humanity. It’s multipronged, relentless, and taking place simultaneously in every sphere of life.
Its thrust is anti-human, anti-science, anti-nature, anti-truth, anti-freedom, and decidedly anti-Christ. Its methods employ every weapon and technique available including sophisticated forms of propaganda and psyops.
Its objective is to crush the human spirit and make it bend the knee to a superclass of elitist, authoritarian overlords who genuinely believe they are better than the rest of us:

The War of Inversion: An All-Out Assault Against Humanity
Humans Be FreeSchools in California are teaching children that there are not just two genders, but that there are eight or nine, according to a report highlighting the claims made in a textbook.
“We are placing them in a situation where they think that this is safe, that this is healthy, this is how we show love,” Alicia Beget said, adding “And so they are being exploited by very evil people.”
“This is part of a larger agenda that those at the very top are well aware of what they’re doing”:

CA School District Textbook Claims There Are EIGHT Genders
Humans Be FreeThere’s a war going on that no one is safe from. It’s a War of Inversion and an all-out assault against humanity. It’s multipronged, relentless, and taking place simultaneously in every sphere of life.
Not satisfied with controlling most of the wealth, they seek to own and control everything including all-genetic material, natural resources, the food supply, and even human DNA.
Stating the obvious, the War of Inversion goes by other names such as the Great Reset, where the chief warmongers claim you will own nothing and be happy:

The War of Inversion: An All-Out Assault Against Humanity
Humans Be FreeIn light of the push for green energy, the World Economic Forum said actions need to be taken to lessen dependence on critical metals. Now, the WEF is calling for the end of private car ownership:

WEF Calls for End of Private Car Ownership
Humans Be FreeIn June of 2019, the World Economic Forum — a private group of elite billionaires — signed a strategic partnership with the United Nations, an intergovernmental organization.
This highly questionable partnership was formed with the explicit goal of “accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”:

World Economic Forum Reveals Plan to Block Out the Sun With ‘Space Bubbles’
Humans Be FreeWEF suggests there are ways to “ethically make these amazing technologies a part of our lives.”
The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has set out to normalize is the idea of implanting tracking chips into humans:

World Economic Forum: There Are 'Rational' Reasons to Microchip Your Child
Humans Be Free