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My current mission: Be True Seek Truth
Now that time has passed, the past comes more into focus. Revelation of the method is here, hidden in plain sight. The truth is out there. X-Files Season 6, Disc 3 Title: S.R. 819.
Practice of Ketman in a Totalitarian society.
Ketman is summarily described as a 'game' that must be played where we outwardly act as if we are complying to the dominant belief system (safe and effective, certain peoples should be regarded as less than human in order to justify genocide), while inwardly rejecting it. If we though compare this practice to Jesus' admonition that we should not hide our light under a basket and the oft-quoted tenet that 'all that it takes for evil to flourish, is for good men and women to do nothing', it becomes a more complex issue for those who seek to live a life of truthfulness, while teaching others of the systems of control that are constructed to eradicate truth from the social sphere. I see this issue as part of the great inner spiritual work that we decide to undertake with the goal of more closely aligning ourselves with the Logos 'frequency' of Truth. For those interested please see this article:

What does compliance with political tyranny do to us? On the concept of ‘ketman’ and the lessons of Cold War Poland
aeon.coI love debates when they are conducted in a civil manner. So many things can be learned, even beyond the subject being debated.
Here is a kind of debate where Dr. Kaufman performs a logical analysis of a claim that the Sars-COV-2 virus has been isolated:
Forewarning, predictive programming or a little of both? XFiles Episode: The Pine Bluff Variant
Mulder goes undercover to infiltrate a militia group armed with a
deadly pathogen and wanted for domestic terrorism.
XFiles Episode: Wet Wired
Mulder and Scully investigate a series of murders linked to a mysterious device that alters
television signals causing paranoid hallucinations. One of them falls victim to it.
I have been walking around in my suburban neighborhood asking folks this question: "Are you aware of the world wide depopulation agenda"? Try it sometime but ask for God's spirit beforehand to guide your thoughts and words in a spirit of love and truth toward your neighbor.