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The Spritual Battle is GREAT: But God IS GREATEST!
The Spritual Battle is GREAT: But God IS GREATEST!
@HealthRanger I am a retired military officer. The military should act sooner rather than later. I believe Biden's true approval is lower than what they say, and it will fraudulently stay high so the military doesn't act. The Sec Def Austin will place black hats in all the positions and make sure the white hats are forced out. Thus they will never act and if there is any action, those individuals will face punitive action or court marshalled. If there is no action soon, there will be NO action.
Rcvd from friend:
"Fwd:Hey so here’s some instructions of how to impeach Biden
Type to :55444 and put in capital letters IMPEACH"
"Rigged Election means Rigged/FAKE President. He's NOT President: There's NO-ONE to impeach"
We need to fight to end abortion then God will return His blessings!
SNEAK PREVIEW. New 1 minute introduction audio for the new podcast launching next week, "Occupied America."
Do you like it? Going to focus on resistance against tyranny.

Lin Wood/Persecution: Standing for TRUTH- Praying for perseverance under HEAVY attack, Mr. Lin Wood! KEEP THE FAITH!
Proverbs 3:5
TRUST IN the LORD with ALL your heart; and lean NOT on YOUR own understanding
Brandon Smith observation: "There comes a point when it is impossible for those that value freedom, logic and reason to live side-by-side with those that are irrationally obsessed with control. The American constitutional framework in particular was designed to prevent collectivism from overriding individual liberties, but if the system is sabotaged through subversion and the Bill of Rights is violated, then maintaining the system is no longer plausible."
BEWARE of traitorous members of the GOP who are now going to pretend like they are opposing Biden's agenda to fight for America. This is the GOP's favorite deception, and you're seeing it now from Rep. Dan Crenshaw and others who are suddenly spouting off about how they will fight to defend America from the Biden agenda. They are FAKERS. They voted for the fraudulent Biden electoral slate! They didn't stand up when it counted. They do not deserve your vote in any future election.
Joe Biden is an ACTOR, in effect. He is a puppet. Put in place as THEATER. The theater is run by CNN and the fake news media that everyone knows is fake. The election was theater. All staged. No legitimacy. More will come out in the days and weeks ahead, I believe, to help expose it. The American people are living under a spell of illusion.
Is this the "calm before the storm"? President Trump and First Lady, Melania, looked SO "calm" as they walked out of The Capital of Washington DC.
LOL: It's sounding better and BETTER!
I was on a call with Sean from SGT Report and Dave from X22 Report today. They are both good people. As is Zach Vorhies, and Lin Wood with whom I was on a call yesterday. The angry "freedom freeloaders" who are lashing out against these good people ought to be ashamed for attacking good faith individuals who have fought hard for freedom while being demonized for doing so. We are lucky to live in a world where these individuals are willing to endure so much for so little in return.
Lin Wood:
I share the link below with you to let you think for yourself and decide whether you believe it to be accurate and reassuring. Maybe you will at least find some hope from it in what I am sure has been a difficult day for Patriots. Keep speaking truth. Keep fighting for freedom. Never give up.
God bless you. - Lin

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x22report.comTrump is no longer president. But neither is Biden. An illegal, unconstitutional election renders no authority to those who stole it. So who's in charge? Just look at DC. It's the military, obviously...
Situation Update, Jan 20th – Day of Reckoning: Will the republic DIE or be REBORN?
A fake, staged inauguration stemming from an illegal, unconstitutional election carries no legal standing. Biden was only "sworn in" as an act of theater. It isn't binding to any true Americans.

As America watched, a decrepit, mentally incompetent Joe Biden was "sworn in" today, with almost no members of the public in attendance, but with Biden surrounded by now a reported 65,000 troops, just…
www.naturalnews.comInteresting day. I'm seeing pretty vicious attacks on SGT Report and X22 Report from people who are emotionally immature, but just lashing out in anger. Even people from the freedom movement side of things.
That's not helpful, and it isn't over. The battle for America is ON! And it is not lost unless people just surrender and throw in the towel.
HAPPENING TODAY: The Pentagon blocked members of President Joe Biden’s incoming administration from gaining access to critical information about current operations, including the troop drawdown in Afghanistan, upcoming special operations missions in Africa and the Covid-19 vaccine distribution program, according to new details provided by transition and defense officials.... (Yahoo News)
JUST POSTED: The way people are handling today’s events tells you everything you need to know about their true character

It's truly fascinating. Many patriots, upon seeing Joe Biden sworn in on TV -- nothing but a theatrical production, of course -- have lost their minds and surrendered to defeat. They had hoped that…