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@onlytruthmatters Interesting question; Poverty an illness? Then another question; Is poverty a result of bad choices, just as anything else you want to label as an illness. Like actually being sick because of ignoring the truth in making very bad choices for what a person eats. Then in fairness, poverty can actually happen to anyone in spite of not being "guilty" of making a bad choice. Is circumstances an illness? Is fear an illness? How can one have courage to stand up to the challenges of life? (anything that happens) I believe it takes faith to have courage. But ahh yes we must not forget that courage must be in the right source. I have learned that "you can't know what you don't understand."
I'm trying to get in the habit of stopping by at Brighteon Social. I wanted to leave a wish and blessings for Christmas to everyone who is part of Brighteon.
I have known about Mike since 2014. A regular customer of the store too. I will need to get familiar with B. S and come more. It is all about habit. Blessings to everyone
Today's situation update was great. I always enjoy Mikes information. Thank God he is on the front lines for us
Knowledge is important because it gives ALL who see it (knowledge/truth) the armor needed to make the best choice(s) in every situation. Sometimes that situation is a matter of life and death! Life OR death of a nation? Our country;? THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
"Beware of false knowledge; It is more dangerous than ignorance." My interpretation: It is to say that knowledge (you think is TRUTH) Will give you a false belief, a false hope, and a false confidence. (on to part 2
This might be something to inspire thoughts to ponder. I might have to split it because of limited letters to a message.
I'm exploring and has to stop here. Yes I follow Patriot Nurse too. If she is the same one you refer to. She is great!!
Has anyone experienced very much conversation here? It's new, so I suppose it takes time
Thank you.
ahh excellent truth
I'm hoping Brighteon Social will be a good place follow thoughts and opinions. The final part of the journey is to find truth.
It has been a long time since using any kind of chat. I'm always interested in knowing what others think about issues.