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Kat Miller, founder of Blue Iris Learning Center, is a natural health care practitioner. Kat specializes in energy healing techniques. Kat is founder of the Emotional Freedom vial, Healing Energy Vibrations vial, Blue Iris Wellness, Flower Energies vial and Rescue Remedy energy vial.
Kat Miller, founder of Blue Iris Learning Center, is a natural health care practitioner. Kat specializes in energy healing techniques. Kat is founder of the Emotional Freedom vial, Healing Energy Vibrations vial, Blue Iris Wellness, Flower Energies vial and Rescue Remedy energy vial.
Kat's Switchphrase and Numbers FOR March 24, 2025
Summary of Contents: Energy Circle fosters emotional FREEDOM, PEACE, and creativity by dispelling inhibitions, stabilizing the mind, and clearing inertia, while drawing ON sacred healing energy from a Sedona sinkhole, enhancing creative insight, promoting vitality through energy FLOW, and addressing painful memories FOR emotional RELEASE, supporting a transformative experience.
Dispel inhibitions, free the mind, stabilize, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, clear inertia, immerse in stepping out of your comfort zone, spark creativity, with a unique innovative flair.
Summary of Contents: Energy Circle fosters emotional FREEDOM, PEACE, and creativity by dispelling inhibitions, stabilizing the mind, and clearing inertia, while drawing ON sacred healing energy from a Sedona sinkhole, enhancing creative insight, promoting vitality through energy FLOW, and addressing painful memories FOR emotional RELEASE, supporting a transformative experience.
Blue Iris Number:
Montezuma Well (sacred/holy water) (near Sedona, Arizona)
Created as an accident of nature 11,000 years ago, Montezuma Well is a large sinkhole with a continuous flow of water seeping up through vents in the limestone. Over 1.5 million gallons flow out of the well daily. It's the water and the constant flow that define the sacredness of this place. Hopi and Zuni consider Montezuma Well as most sacred and used it as a birthing place for generations. Some people come to the well for healing and swear by the medicinal properties to be found by simply breathing the air.
The actual source of the upward flow of water remains undiscovered. The Hopi have a saying, "The well is a gift from Mother Earth. So why do you care where it comes from?"
Frequencies and Miscellaneous Numbers:
Provides an inner energy and massage to the body's organs and cells. Pain healing.
When chanting the number, energy starts to move and radiates from the chest (3,3) down to the lower abdomen (9), across to the ribs (6), up through the navel area (8) to the throat (1), and back down to the stomach (5). Constantly Chanting 3,396,815 causes energy to flow through the main organs and systems of your body in a healthy condition. Dr. Zhi Chen Guo was meditating early one morning in 1974 when he received the divine code 3396815 - "San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu", in Mandarin Chinese, is pronounced "sahn, sahn, joe, lew, bah, yow, woo". This divine code is the sacred key to bring out your Soul Language and to offer divine healing, blessing, and life transformation, carrying a special vibration to stimulate our body in a sacred pattern. The sound of each number carries a special vibration and stimulates the cells in a particular area of the body, guiding the energy to flow in a specific circuit through our body.
4-8 Hz
Creative insight; creative inspiration
Divine Healing Codes:
25 37 536
painful memories of the past, both conscious and subconscious (PTSD)(Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)
Work Wisdom Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The Work Wisdom Energy Circle is designed to sharpen clarity and foresight, dispel anger and chaos, and reveal paths to tranquility and order. It focuses ON releasing tension, simplifying tasks, and empowering skillful action WITH EASE, fostering a stable, wise approach to work.
Clarify things, look to the future, dispel anger and resentment, defuse anarchy and chaos, see methods for creating tranquility, stability and order, releasing tension and resistance, simplifying things and be skillful at this.
Work Smarter not harder a Switchphrase?
BE My Authentic Self Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The BE My Authentic Self Energy Circle is designed to foster comfort and complete acceptance, anchoring you in your unique, authentic place WITH confidence and poise. It restores inner PEACE, grounding self-assurance and CALM amidst challenges, affirming your value to the world.
Create comfort, give and receive complete acceptance, be aware of your singular place in the Universe, be your authentic self, the world is better because you are here, firmly fasten self-confidence, remain calm in the face of challenges, maintain poise, confidence, composure and self-assurance, return to homeostasis and restore inner peace and contentment.
To be "comfortable in your own skin" means feeling confident, at peace, and accepting of yourself, including your strengths and weaknesses, without needing external validation or constantly striving to be someone else.
Ensure Abundance WITH Oompa Loompa Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The Oompa Loompa Energy Circle promotes a VIBRANT, abundant mindset WITH creativity, boldness, and fun, encouraging a colorful life, NEW perspectives, and PEACE while staying OPEN to wealth and breaking from convention.
Bring surety of results, have fun, be in the creative flow, create a colorful conscious life, immerse in and open to sharing, feeling abundant, allow yourself to flow with abundance, make money and go to the extreme.
Be bold, move swiftly and with purpose, experience new horizons, open new pathways, make new discoveries, gain a new perspective, defuse need for rigid adherence to conventional behavior and be in the creative flow.
"Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know." Anonymous
Oompa Loompa-ABIDE-Chewing Gum-ADD-WINDFALL.
Be in the creative flow, accept and reside with all that is, defuse and release pressure, tension and stress and bring back peace of mind, increase sudden Abundance.
Blue Iris Numbers:
Gate of Abundance, Unlock, Open and Sustain
Gate - a means of access or entrance; a path; a habitual manner or way of acting
Abundance is an overflowing supply and can be applied to anything in life - money, love, friends, business, food, spirituality, etc.
Divine Healing Codes:
25 67 993
to have fun! and a more positive outlook
Willpower Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The Willpower Energy Circle builds RESOLVE by releasing guilt, fostering honesty, commitment, and resilience, while sparking clarity, BALANCE, TRUST, and motivation FOR challenges, creating strong, enduring willpower.
Release guilt and blame, restore fairness and honesty, hold true to your word, increase endurance, keep things going, be in peace, maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, build willpower and keep your resolutions.
To build willpower and keep resolutions, consistency
Clarify the situation, increase sturdiness and balance, maintain safety and align energies.
For willpower, steadfastness, and soul strength.
Be instantly motivated, especially to work out or to engage in a physically difficult task; to increase willpower and endurance; to turn reluctance about exercising into excitement
14,472 Hz
Willpower is the ability to control impulses and focus on long-term goals despite distractions or temptation.
Divine Healing Codes:
35 42 888
for willpower
Willpower is the ability to control impulses and focus on long-term goals despite distractions or temptation.
VOID Surgery Energy Circle
(courtesy Blue Iris Team)
Summary of Contents: The VOID Surgery Energy Circle promotes healing by fostering a positive, forward-looking mindset, transcending expectations, and ensuring lasting effects, while attuning to natural healing, enhancing self-focused recovery, and maintaining PEACE and wellness despite negativity, supporting a resilient, transformative healing process.
Brightly focus positivity, look to the future, transcend beyond expectations, add permanency to this
Attune to the healing power of nature, fix this, create healing focuses, increase focus on self and heal, be in peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
Homeopathic Vibration Rates:
Bach Flower Remedy
Sweet Chestnut
Bach Flower Remedy
Sacred Codes:
Freedom from (need for) surgery
Get rid of (need for) surgery
10 Hz
20 Hz
1,000 Hz
5,000 Hz
10,000 Hz
Beneficial Rife Frequencies
Kat's Switchphrase and Numbers FOR March 17, 2025
Summary of Contents: This Energy Circle is designed to awaken your beauty, self-worth, and confidence, empowering you to TAKE control and CREATE the changes you desire. It helps you flourish, opening UP to share your Inner Beauty WITH the world.
Feel your beauty, self-worth, confidence, purpose, see that you can take control of your life and create the changes you desire yourself, open up to the world, flourish and share your Inner Beauty.
Blue Iris Numbers:
Create a cozy space, allowing positive energy to flow and attracting positive energies.
Increase Self-Love/Self-Worth
The bottom line cause of most physical, mental and emotional illness is a lack of self-love and self-worth.
Frequencies and Miscellaneous Numbers:
The number 10 relates to independence with enormous potential; bringing projects to completion; independent leadership; insight into humanity; knowledge and responsibility; leadership; optimism; confidence; creative powers; success; energy; originality; adaptability; determination and individuality; love and light
Two-Digit Numerology
221.23 Hz
396 Hz
This frequency is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), which is located above the navel and is connected to self-esteem, personal power, and confidence.
Solfeggio Frequency
Morning Prayer Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The Morning Prayer Energy Circle is designed to start the day WITH intention, focusing ON seizing the present moment, expressing Gratitude, and feeling cherished. It promotes safety, a connection WITH the Universe, and a centered, CALM state, linking one to DIVINE source. It aids in clarifying thoughts, envisioning the future, enhancing Wisdom, self-awareness, and intuition, and supports reflective decision-making, PERSONAL empowerment, and aligns WITH natural forces FOR a peaceful, abundant life.
Carpe Diem-PRAISE-Gratitude-KEEP-Hu-CRYSTAL-GuidingSTAR-Inner Being-FOR-DIVINE-AVALON.
Seize the day, the moment, and be in the now, be beautiful, give acknowledgment, recognition and appreciation for what you have, feel cherished, be safe, connect to Oneness with the Universe, come to a calm, strong, centered space, and connect with Source, clarify things, look to the future, connect with a higher wisdom, connect with your core, enhancing self-awareness and intuition, allowing for a more reflective decision-making process to promote increased personal ability to work miracles and allow nature to provide the way for peaceful abundant living.
A Switchphrase to support:
by Denise Lynn
I give thanks and praise to the Creator who has given me this day.
I call on the Goddess to be with me.
I ask for her peace, love and guidance.
May my guides and companions be with me, to shield, guide and protect me and may I be open to their communication.
I ask for the presence of heavenly messengers to guide me, and for the protection and wisdom of my ancestors.
Let the Elements and Gatekeepers of the four directions light my way. As I open to Spirit this day, show me a way to receive the abundant gifts and blessings that are bestowed upon me.
As I open to Spirit this day, show me a way to be of service to the ‘greater good’ of all beings - in the most divine way.
Blue Iris Number:
Clear communication lines with Source
Helps in clearing and opening communication lines with Source, opening you to listening, hearing and understanding more completely communication coming from Source.
My BREAKTHROUGH Year Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The My BREAKTHROUGH Year Energy Circle focuses ON connecting WITH one's CORE to ENHANCE self-awareness and intuition, providing clarity, CALM, and spiritual understanding. It promotes reflective decision-making, freeing the mind, clarifying future visions, and guiding toward recognizing potential opportunities. It also encourages embracing abundance FOR lasting rewards, aiming FOR a transformative year.
Connect with your core, enhancing self-awareness and intuition, get clarity, calm, and a spiritual understanding, allowing for a more reflective decision-making process, freeing the mind, clarifying things, looking to the future, allowing yourself to know the way, finally grasping potential possibilities, allowing yourself to flow with abundance, for enduring rewards.
A Switchphrase to support, "I truly believe that this year has the potential to be my breakthrough year! But honestly, I’m a bit confused-what, when, and whom to approach? Which is the real path to success and financial growth? If you know a game-changing EC (Energy Circle), powerful switchword, or number sequence that can guide me towards clarity, success, and abundance, please share! Let’s make this year extraordinary!
Blue Iris Number:
An explosive energy that breaks through strong roadblocks that obstruct the person's path to health and/or the life they wish to live.
Body Wisdom Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The Body Wisdom Energy Circle is designed to QUIET the ego, allowing FOR clarity in thought and vision toward the future. It encourages a DEEP connection WITH nature and one's inner self, promoting a listening state where one can TAP into their inner Wisdom to ENSURE actions are taken WITH purpose and completion. Additionally, it facilitates the RELEASE of old pains, supports efficient organization and cleanliness, encourages letting GO of unnecessary routines, and fosters a state of PEACE and wellness. It aims to HELP one smoothly FLOW WITH life, helping one to MAINTAIN their well-being while remaining unaffected by external negativity or criticism, emphasizing being present and at PEACE.
Quiet the ego, clarify things, look to the future, be in touch with nature and yourself.
Request: Body Wisdom " the Body is our gauge of truth our inner Oracle and when we are disconnected from it, we are disconnected from our innate intuitive strengths and our primal gut instincts.--- Aletheia Luna
I am in touch with my inner knowing and take pause and do what needs doing to complete the deed.
The (big) LIE: I should be working harder and longer.
A truth: I LISTEN to my body and TAKE breaks when I need to.
Release old pains, quiet the ego, be efficient in organizing and cleaning, release need to maintain a routine, let go of the details, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
Switchphrase FOR this thought... "Focus ON optimizing your being rather than eliminating physical, mental, emotional symptoms and the symptoms will naturally RESOLVE. - Dawnalee Shields
Blue Iris Number:
Self-Healing, allow and begin
LAUGH BUBBLE Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The LAUGH BUBBLE Energy Circle promotes JOY, vitality, and stress relief by encouraging smiles, brightening your space, and enjoying activities, expanding beyond limits, energizing, uplifting, refreshing, calming the spirit, enhancing personality, and connecting to youth and longevity through laughter.
Smile, brighten your domain, enjoy whatever you are doing, expand beyond perceived limitations, get energized, turn on personality, relieve stress and calm the spirit, feel uplifted, refreshed, energized, connect to youth and longevity.
A Switchphrase to support, “A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; but a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, overflows, and bubbles all around.” - Carolyn Birmingham
(courtesy Blue Iris Team)
Summary of Contents: The FINALLY FREEDOM Energy Circle focuses ON achieving liberation by ending delays and releasing constrictions, promoting a SENSE of FREEDOM and relief.
End delays, let go of constrictions.
Water Harmony Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The Water Harmony Energy Circle aims to RESTORE BALANCE and RESOLVE disruptions, specifically targeting plumbing and Home structural issues. It focuses ON halting negative conditions, eliminating unwanted energies like anger and resentment, and clarifying situations while enhancing psychic awareness and foresight. It also supports fixing uncomfortable circumstances, undoing problems, and mastering the ability to BRING everything TOGETHER harmoniously FOR a stable, peaceful Home environment.
Arrest current condition immediately, eliminate negativity and unwanted conditions, dispel anger and resentment, neutralize, clarify things, look to the future, predict the future, increase psychic awareness, undo and restart, fix things, handle uncomfortable, unpleasant conditions, have it all together and master this ability.
FOR ending plumbing and other Home structural issues
Kat Note: This Switchphrase is aimed at stopping negative patterns related to water, clearing emotional and physical blockages, and enhancing intuitive understanding of water issues. It focuses ON undoing past mistakes, adjusting to NEW conditions, and achieving a harmonious relationship WITH water, symbolizing control and clarity OVER one's emotional and physical environment.
Past Life Regression Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The Past Life Regression Energy Circle works to facilitate healing and insight from past lives, clarifying the future, releasing old pains, and transforming perspectives, while connecting to the DIVINE, healing the soul and Karma WITH truth and enlightenment. It supports past life regression and clear blockages, enabling freedom and progress across lifetimes.
Clarify things, look to the future, learn a secret, release old pains, be empowered, transform from seeing life as a mundane daily drudge to soaring to new heights and gaining a wider perspective, and feel elation.
Request: I was wondering if there are any Switchwords to help past life regression and looking at them from an observers POV.
Dai Ko Myo.
Dai Ko Myo (pronounced Dye-Ko-My-O) is for defusing and releasing darkness. Dai Ko Myo connects us to the Divine, bringing in knowledge, truth and enlightenment. Dai Ko Myo helps heal the soul and our karma.
8 Hz
Past life regression
Sacred Codes:
Neurosis drop; Regressions to near and distant past ... can enter hypnotic trance and ask the Archangel Raziel be our guide in these regressions.
Pending issues (come out of repressed issues that stop progress of this and other lives). Through this code comes to light material repressed in the past (this lifetime and others) that prevents us from moving freely and nimbly. Cancel or release karma. (We're often stuck in karmic issues. They prevent us from advancing with ease. This code is to clear the way for Saint Expedite.)
Rest BE Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The Rest BE Energy Circle quiets the ego, encourages a pause to Connect WITH nature and inner knowing, relieving stress and calming the spirit. It fosters faith in the future, TRUST in life’s cycles, and restores inner PEACE and contentment while nurturing healing and maintaining wellness, unaffected by negativity.
Quiet the ego, take pause, be in touch with nature and your inner knowing, at rest, relieve stress and calm the spirit, have faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, restore inner peace and contentment, nurture and heal, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
A Switchphrase to support, 7 types of Rest: Physical, Mental, Sensory, Creative, Emotional, Social, Spiritual
Kat's Switchphrase and Numbers FOR March 10, 2025
Summary of Contents: This Energy Circle supports connecting you to your core, enhancing self-awareness and intuition, releases control, expels anger and resentment, and clears negativity FOR a DEEP cleanse. It centers you in PEACE and wellness, unaffected by ridicule or contrary energy, while amplifying enlightenment and focusing positivity brightly. It urges acting ON good impulses NOW, immersing you in an attractive, appealing state, all harmonized and balanced FOR safety.
Connect with your core, enhancing self-awareness and intuition, stop trying to control, dismiss, expel and dispel anger and resentment, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, increase enlightenment, brightly focus positivity, act on good impulse now and immerse in being attractive and appealing.
Blue Iris Numbers:
Montezuma Well (sacred/holy water) (near Sedona, Arizona)
Created as an accident of nature 11,000 years ago, Montezuma Well is a large sinkhole with a continuous flow of water seeping up through vents in the limestone. Over 1.5 million gallons flow out of the well daily. It's the water and the constant flow that define the sacredness of this place. Hopi and Zuni consider Montezuma Well as most sacred and used it as a birthing place for generations. Some people come to the well for healing and swear by the medicinal properties to be found by simply breathing the air.
The actual source of the upward flow of water remains undiscovered. The Hopi have a saying, "The well is a gift from Mother Earth. So why do you care where it comes from?"
Angel Numbers:
Be very aware of your persistent thoughts and ideas as these are manifesting quickly into your reality. Choose your thoughts wisely.
New beginnings, alignment with your higher self, and manifestation.
Protection, stability, and angelic support.
Pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom. Listen to your intuition and follow its guidance. Be supported, protected and guided on your journey. Be practical, stay grounded, focused on your goals and trust that you are moving in the right direction and take action to achieve your dreams. Align with your life purpose and make proper decisions. Trust the process of life, and have faith that everything is unfolding as it should. Choose that your efforts will be rewarded, and your goals will be achieved.
Divine Healing Codes:
33 45 10,101
for forgiveness
88 76 543
for opening the heart chakra when it is closed--good for low self-esteem, lack of self-love, poor self-acceptance, and deep injuries on a soul-level. It will not resolve karmic imbalance but it supports the healing process greatly.
FOR Caregivers Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The FOR Caregivers Energy Circle empowers caregivers by restoring fairness, fostering LOVE, and enhancing endurance. It promotes BALANCE, strength, and awareness, helping them support others while staying resilient and at PEACE amidst challenges.
Restore fairness and honesty, develop an understanding, set parameters, improve the situation, nourish ambition, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance.
Increase endurance, gather energy, support increase awareness, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
Request: A Switchphrase FOR members who are dealing WITH elders or taking CARE of patients- to have the strength to CONTINUE as one feels weary most times.
Lend your strengths to others, help, create balance, build character, create endurance, be strong and be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy.
For taking care of another and maintaining your own wellness (health, sick, help).
Blue Iris Numbers:
Increase Self-Love/Self-Worth
The bottom line cause of most physical, mental and emotional illness is a lack of self-love and self-worth.
Stress Calming
Clear negative energy, release stresses, protect from other people's negative energy and radiate love.
Divine Healing Codes:
51 22 349
for caregivers: to sustain them and be capable of what is needed from them in their task
I NOW TAKE CARE of Myself Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The I NOW TAKE CARE of Myself Energy Circle inspires a fresh start, releasing negativity to foster transformation, BALANCE, and self-healing. It promotes PERSONAL responsibility, inner beauty, and serendipitous growth FOR a revitalized, harmonious life.
Get back to a clean slate for fresh beginnings, start new things without any preconceived notions, stop focusing or dwelling on negativity, promote transformation, embrace dynamic changes to intentionally recreate your health and life, creating synergy, harmony and balance in all aspects of life, naturally adjust to change, shifting with the times, feel new all over again, create enjoyment, connect to the highest light and beauty within yourself, bring pleasant surprises and fortunate happenstances, often when least expected, nurture and heal, pay primary concern and take responsibility for all of this.
A Switchphrase to support, "After a lifetime of neglecting myself in every way, I am now obsessed with taking care of myself in every way!" John Polo
MAINTAIN Youth TOO Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Summary of Contents: The MAINTAIN Youth TOO Energy Circle promotes rejuvenation and youthful vitality by restoring BALANCE, energizing WITH exuberance, and radiating LOVE, while transforming thoughts into brilliant, excellent actions FOR a brighter day.
Rejuvenate, be youthful, look youthful, go to the extreme.
to help maintain youth
Restore fairness and honesty, rejuvenate.
restore youth
With youthful exuberance feel uplifted, refreshed, energized, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, transform thought to action, show brilliance, create excellence and brighten the day.
A Switchphrase to support, "There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age." Sophia Loren
Quantum K Harmonics:
217 648 323 547
Youth cells to earlier blueprint (Physical-Anti-aging)
279 684 951 746
"Youth" cells to earlier age (Physical-Anti-aging)
Divine Healing Codes:
17 29 061
To reverse the appearance of facial aging.
Blue Iris Numbers:
Increase Self-Love/Self-Worth
The bottom line cause of most physical, mental and emotional illness is a lack of self-love and self-worth.
Stress Calming
Clear negative energy, release stresses, protect from other people's negative energy and radiate love.
Kattitude is QUEEN
QUEEN/KING – center of attention; increase self-aware confidence; calm control over social gatherings