Brighteon -- Mike Adams (NaturalNews) censorship-free social media / video site
https://freedomcells.org/ - social media
The Epoch Times
https://t.me/sol4h - Key updates, from Josh del Sol's Solutions for Humanity Free n encrypted Telegram channel.
https://t.me/sayeregengmi - GreenMedinfo free n open means of communicating as censorship
RV Camping
Trump is done. It’s over. He says congress certified the results and a new admin will come in. Time to calm down now. He doesn’t even stand by the 76 mil who stood by him saying its wrong they are being vilified by the Left for the acts of a few. It’s a let down. But I’m not surprised.

Trump calls out those who carried out violence as having "defiled the seat of American democracy"
rumble.com@1776forever Not quite. He has does not want the patriots to shed unnecessary blood. It is time for rest.
It is not our fight, it is God's fight. In the coming days, 13, 18 Jan 20, we shall see. He has not said concede or congratulations Biden. Pray to God for divine intervention. God do not leave us in the hands of criminals and traitors.