Brighteon -- Mike Adams (NaturalNews) censorship-free social media / video site
https://freedomcells.org/ - social media
The Epoch Times
https://t.me/sol4h - Key updates, from Josh del Sol's Solutions for Humanity Free n encrypted Telegram channel.
https://t.me/sayeregengmi - GreenMedinfo free n open means of communicating as censorship
RV Camping
During a dental visit, I asked for nonflouride toothpaste and mouthwash. He said he did not have that. I explained flouride is a poison, EPA requires a permit to dump into the ocean. He threw a demonic fit, on that was not what he learned, etc. I went to a different Dentist.
@Kinnys I’d like to do that with my GP but they’re all the same here. They toe the CDC line.