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Don't be lukewarm or Jesus may spit you out! Be ON FIRE to glorify Him. Jesus said to bear much fruit is to
glorify Our Father. The harvest is plenty and laborers are few. Come with me into the fields....
Don't be lukewarm or Jesus may spit you out! Be ON FIRE to glorify Him. Jesus said to bear much fruit is to
glorify Our Father. The harvest is plenty and laborers are few. Come with me into the fields....
What we must pray for is for ALL to come to the TRUTH. Just as we pray for Holy Spirit to light a Fire of Faith and knowledge of the fact that ALL need a Savior, Yeshua, to obtain Everlasting Life, so must we pray for GOD to reveal TRUTH to THE WORLD regarding death shot.
psalm 58
They cannot hide from God. He told me “Their “underground safety” will be their demise.”
Trust GOD. HE IS SOVEREIGN. He HATES EVIL and will destroy it. ALL OF IT.
Words from Jesus
NOt by (your) power, nor by (your) might—
BUT BY MY SPIRIT says The Lord.
Words from JesusDont even TRY to do ANYTHING for GOD without LOVE.
3 here; 3 following...
Words from Jesus. Posted all I had typed. So much and so little time. Pray for me
Now going through notebooks individually. most entries are dated. This is somewhere in summer 20. I am going to eventually put all entries as jpegs then on video here on brighteon so people can read if they desire. Hope to get started on that soon. Sorry in advance for messiness.
@LoriMae Life is messy, you know.
G-d Bless.
Thank you both n GOD BLESS YOU ps 57:5 yes AMEN pray for me. putting in vids to upload.
2015 7 , 8 last page of typep; all the rest are handwritten in notebooks. most are in chronological order bur not all bc used different books. My handwriting is worse than my printing so they are printed but thats messy too. Developed arthritis from using my hands so much. so hard to write legibly and typing no longer an option. So when I post the untyped please forgive my messiness.
yes Ive looked into that. thank you!
still posting words from Jesusanyone know of a christian blog place that wont censor?
2015 pages 1, 2