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I'm looking to purchase ivermectin of pets and I know that Mike Adams has a company that he works with that sells pet ivermectin.
Can you please send me a link on where to purchase this product...
Americans in their prime are dying at significantly elevated rates, and not just because of the “deadly pandemic.”
(Let's call it what it truly is - It's VAXX Deaths)
According to analysis of death-certificate data from the (CDC) done by The Epoch Times, deaths among Americans aged 18 to 49 surged more than 40 percent in the 12 months ending October 2021 compared to the same period in 2018–2019.

Americans in their prime are dying at significantly elevated rates, and not just because of the “deadly pandemic.” ...
thenewamerican.comSituation Update, Jan 12, 2022 - SMOKING GUN DARPA documents prove Fauci lied, MILLIONS died #ArrestFauci
BTW, my username is "healthranger" on GETTR. Lots of people joining. I will be posting there at the same time I post here and on Telegram:

GETTR is a brand new social media platform founded on the principles of free speech, independent thought and rejecting political censorship and “cancel culture.” With best in class technology, our goal…
gettr.comFull story just posted: They are taking the vaccine wars KINETIC: Covid concentration camps ACTIVATED in America, unvaxxed will be kidnapped at gunpoint by left-wing “health officers” with arrest power

Democrats in Washington State are now pushing a bill, WAC 246-100, which would authorize "health officers" (Democrat vaccine Gestapo) to kidnap anyone at gunpoint and throw them into covid concentration…
www.naturalnews.comIf you heard my podcast yesterday, you already knew this was coming! Massive crypto wipeout overnight. Much more coming.

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
www.zerohedge.comV is also for vasectomy which requires that you have a dick & balls which means Michelle qualifies... "This quote is from Clif High"
So if Pfizer's new anti-covid pill is so miraculous and prevents 89% of deaths, then doesn't that END the entire argument for covid vaccines? And vaccine passports? Mandates?
Also, it should end the entire Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for all vaccines, since the EUA is contingent upon there being NO OTHER THERAPEUTIC known to work against the "pandemic." So why isn't the media calling for ending all EUA vaccines and using the Pfizer pill instead?
The Biden administration and congressional Democrats are seeking to pass radical “climate change” bills H.R. 3684 and H.R. 5376, the “Build Back Better Act” — disguised as “infrastructure” bills — that would codify the Paris climate agreement and the Great Reset.

Joe Biden and the Democrats' so-called "Infrastructure” bill would codify the Paris climate agreement and the Great Reset.
The John Birch SocietyIts nothing more than a big giant CIRCLE JERK.
All they do is sit around and dream up excuses they think that people are too gullible (a word which is not even in the dictionary) to figure out that everything they say is a SCAM.
It is also a sign that most of the people in positions of power have some sort of severe and dangerous Mental Illness.
Anyone still clinging to the promised dates of Trump coming back into power, as pushed by certain big talkers / storytellers, should hopefully by now realize it's all a psyop. I think Oct. 24th was the latest "big date" that Trump was supposed to be in power. Now they will have a new date to keep stringing people along...
Folks, it's all a psyop.
Has anybody else wondered why Trump's supposed new social media platform is nothing but vapor and talk and was a joint venture with communist Chinese business operatives? Looks like a TRAP for Trump, frankly, to disqualify him from the 2024 election and possibly even get brought up on SEC charges.

I. Background of Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) On October 20, President Trump made an announcement of his new company called Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) and that he would be merging…
GNEWSDoesn't look good for Trump right now. I think there's no one left to carry out the Insurrection Act. And the Left is looking to CRUCIFY Trump and anyone who was near him. It's a full-blown witch hunt now, fueled by insane anger and national media gaslighting to the extreme.