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God first, family, country. Retired veteran, Save America!
God first, family, country. Retired veteran, Save America!
I believe political parties should be abolished altogether. George Washington, very wisely, warned about the dangers of political parties. "...they (political parties) are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." -George Washington
Since democrats can’t get Americans to vote for them, they just flood the country with illegal immigrants and give them handouts for votes.
Our republic has fallen. Justice has been dealt a crippling blow, rule of law tossed to the wind, accountability of government officials nonexistent.
If the military stands down... we go down IMO
Do we even have a country anymore? The Supreme Court has failed us, congress has failed us, FBI, DOJ,CIA,NSA all failed the constitution. If the military does not step in we are finished as a republic. The president, the states, and individuals do not have so called standing to bring the case of election fraud?!?! Who does have standing then...Martians?
BLAUX mini air conditioner is a SCAM
Something else you won't see on the News. The Government have blocked Office of National Statistics from issuing data on how many people have died after receiving vaccination and how many have had side effects following vaccination. Think it's about the virus? think again..

“Something else you won't see on the News. The Government have blocked Office of National Statistics from issuing data on how many people have died after receiving vaccination and how many have had side…
Twitter@ChristophGottel I wouldn’t believe anything the government said anyway, especially if the information comes from the medical profession. This is really sad because I’m a Registered Nurse. Doctors and nurses are just like everyone else, they’re taught to trust their higher-ups.
Japan must be crazy, huh? They're actually required CLINICAL TRIALS on the vaccines before they mass-vaccinate their entire population.
But in America and elsewhere, nobody gives a damn and they just mass inject the population like human guinea pigs, with EXPERIMENTAL covid vaccines:
Japan requiring domestic clinical trials before giving coronavirus vaccines the green light

The rollout of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines in Japan has been delayed due to the country's insistence on running domestic clinical trials before it approves any vaccine. The one outstanding…
www.naturalnews.comRED pilled = Awakening to the truth
BLUE pilled = Going deeper into the delusion
BLACK pilled = Believing it's all doom and gloom
DEAD pilled = Taking the covid vaccine and dying before you realize anything
Just signed up patriots! Never thought I’d see what we all are seeing take place in this nation. It won’t be long until they criminalize a flag in the yard. The resolve of the American patriots to save our republic will never waver.