I love the smell of truth in the morning…
“Oxford University published an important study based on more than 489k mRNA vaccine recipients that shows that the risk of portal vein thrombosis (blood clotting) appears to be 30 times higher with mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) than with AstraZeneca’s”.
Keep this in perspective
Dozens of nations around the world have either SUSPENDED or CEASED the distribution of the AstraZeneca vax due to its potential for creating blood clots in patients. This study shows that BOTH of the American vax’s (Pfizer + Moderna) are THIRTY TIMES more likely to cause blood clotting issues than AstraZeneca’s, and the CDC and FDA are SILENT on the issue. All is well and safe with the Vax’s.
Now...Keeping that in mind, the CDC and FDA recommended CEASING the J&J vax due to blood clotting issues.
Ask yourself this: How many clotting issues was the J&J vax causing, where the Feds had to shut it down, when they AREN’T shutting down two vax’s that cause clotting at a rate 30 times higher than AstraZeneca’s?
The Feds don’t care about you, they care about their kickbacks from Big Pharma’s profit margin. We are being wholesale lied to about the adverse effects and deaths caused by these vaccines. These are death injections which are being coerced and intimidated into the populace. Do not be a lamb led to slaughter.
Prepare your families for the fight of their lives.