I love the smell of truth in the morning…
Absolutely disgusted with yesterday’s Situation Update @HealthRanger. There’s a reason the T is with the LGB. They are ALL degenerate, immoral sexual mental disorders. I laughed aloud when Adam’s said, “The LGB people don’t want to be associated with the mental disorder that is Transgenderism”. Up until the 60-70’s being gay was LITERALLY classified as a MENTAL DISORDER until it was changed due to political pressure. They are ALL unnatural behaviors, they are all anathema to God’s will, and they are ALL mental disorders.
@NorthwoodsNimrod @HealthRanger
Given enough time…..more and more people will come to accept certain abomination as normal or acceptable (see American Corporations giving benefits to help promote/normalize spiritual darkness while marginalizing conservative traditional values)……bravo for stating plain truth