First Gen Latina
THANK YOU GOD! 2Corinth 7:14 #Trump4547
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~ The same masters can command good and evil they just have to adjust the dosages depending on which smiley face is pretending to be in charge. Dementia Joe could do all the bad stuff because he was never popular to begin with. Things are definitely going in the right direction in the U.S. now but it isn't ALL good. Eyes wide open, psyops galore playing out in real time.
@Patriot_PDkhov And yet God also said, "Give unto Caesar the things that are Caeser's and God the things that are God's."
@Dotconnector Bidenโs puppet masters were and still are evil. None of them served God. And God never commands evil on anyone, only discipline.
You either serve God, or the god of this world. Throughout the biden presidency God exposed who served who. It needed to happen.