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I still maintain that the democraps need to shut-up and go away. They are not in control, their grift has been discovered and there are no more dollars for them to fill their coffers. Just shut-up for God's sake and join Mike Pence under his favorite rock.
Since I am still running my Consulting business I continue to pay payroll taxes every quarter called the 941's. I paid everything on time the end of January, but yesterday I received a letter from the Maine Revenue Services saying it did not pay the taxes and I owed the money. After taking a look at my checking account I discovered the check was deposited and cash by the State of Maine. I downloaded the cancelled check and contacted Maine Revenue Services. As it happens this State department provides customer service only 4 hours per day from 9am to Noon. They have a separate department that handles "my kind of issues." I had to explain my problem (that I wanted Maine to fix the error) to a guy, who then transferred me to the special department where I had to wait 15 minutes to get there. They told me my check had just been recorded paid yesterday, which was a lie. The check was presented for payment to my bank nearly a week ago, and yet I still got a letter saying my taxes were not paid
Look, I understand mistakes, but I think the people of Maine are getting the short end of the stick. Only 4 hours of taking calls? The first thing that went through my mind is that the Maine Department of Revenue needs to have a state audit. And, I'm not sorry for thinking that. So, thanks DOGE for putting even State departments on notice, or, if they aren't, they should be.
Just to get away from the political rhetoric for a moment, I wanted to rant a bit about something on my top list of disgusting. What's with people eating all this raw fish lately? I do watch some of the food critic videos like Mikey Chen, Tim Li, and Mark Weins. Sushi seems to be a big favorite with thick pieces of sliced raw fish on top of bricks of white rice. They put the whole thing in their mouths and nod saying, "Wow, that's good." I can't imagine doing that. White rice has a portion size of 1/4-1/2 cup and after six "Sushi" all that white carbohydrate must sit like a dump in someone's stomach. In Maine we're told never to eat raw fish because it has worms. I sort of didn't believe it until one day my husband was cleaning up cod fillets and had to literally pick out the worms. I think eating raw fish is really disgusting along with these food critics who actually eat eggs filled with dead baby chickens. I watched Wiens and Mikey do that once and felt like I was going to puke. Maybe this is just "my thing." I know Sushi is quite popular, but even writing about it unsettles my stomach. I don't think raw fish will ever be a favorite of mine on a buffet. Sushi probably isn't that healthy either wrapped around a giant block of white rice. Thanks for reading my rant......but raw fish isn't for me. Or, worms for that matter.
@Thyme1967 I am with you. Baking or grilling fish is quite tasty. It is much more enjoyable.
I'm probably speaking to the wind on this but has it occurred to anyone that AI might be the Mark of the Beast? AI is only as good as the people programming it. Take Mike for example. He has his own programmed AI because he wants "the truth out there." It's his personal version of what's healthy and what's not. Everyone seems to be running toward AI like it is essential truth and information. I don't feel that way, AI is very dangerous and to be honest I have a bad feeling about it. I offer caution people. What if AI is the Mark of the Beast? You may have to decide later on to use it or not. No groceries, or work without it. This is a time when the world needs to THINK FIRST and act later. Use discernment wisely here.
I stay away, and AI stays away from me. That is our relationship. Going to keep that way.
@Thyme1967 Something to think on for sure...... Revelation 13:15-17 "And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, small and great, rich and poor, free men and slave to be given a mark on their right hand or their forehead and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the beast or the number of his name." Watching the AI humanoids certainly can cause one to pause and ponder the centuries old prophetic book of Revelation.
@Thyme1967 I’m pretty sure if you’re a Christian you will know who the beast is. You will have to renounce Jesus Christ as the Son of God to take the mark.
It occurs to me that the democrats are still in shock over Donald's win and populist support. They don't get that they are not in control anymore. "We're going to impeach him", for example. NO THEY AREN'T. "We aren't going to obey the President's directives." In the end, you will when DJT pulls your federal funding. Democrats are idiots. They don't realize they aren't in control and never will be again. We hope.
General Milley will join Mike Pence as a traitor to this government. He will never be regarded as a Patriot General ever again.
Someone should tell Rand Paul that it's all well and good to have Senate (and House) hearing, but Fauci and others will just sit there and lie to their faces. While democrats are good at prosecuting perjurers, Republicans will sit there and listen to crap and do nothing about it. So, what good is it to hold hearings and listen to lie after lie? If you hold Senate hearings, then be prepared to prosecute the liars and put them in jail.
Although we can never know the mind of God, it does not escape me that CA could be cleansing the CA land from it's sinful wrongdoing. If the Hollywoodcraps get anything, I hope they realize the price for drinking human blood, killing and preying on children, and supporting sexual deviant lifestyles in a heinous way. As I said we can never know what or why God is doing what he's doing, but if I were a sinful person in CA, I might want to change my wicked ways real quick.
@Thyme1967 the thought crossed my mind as well, but God usually punishes evil people by killing or punishing with illness/starvation the human body. Destruction of property is not much of a lesson. They will simply move to another location and continue their evil ways. God seems to be more of a 'direct hit' kind of God (IMO).
Why would anyone in another country want to become a part of the US right now? The US is terrible. Our infrastructure is wrecked, people allow dishonest elections, glorify trans, sex trafficking, and drag queens. Porno is king in the US. People love heinous and perverted sex. We allowed a brain dead old man to ruin the country. We allowed the Rule of Law to disappear. And Trump thinks Canada and Greenland should join us. This is the wrong time to ask, brother. The US is third-world, no one would really want to come here.
With all this newfound emphasis on healthy lifestyle and eating healthy, I remembered that the last generation might have not acted in their own best interests. Remember how the "burbs" sometimes had houses very close to the street? Or, city apartment houses and condos built near thoroughfares with loads of traffic? My family was from Baltimore, and we used to sit on those God awful marble steps not 20 feet from where the Baltimore City buses used to go.We did this for hours in the hot summer, night after night. We breathed in all that petroleum exhaust, and dust and dirt raised by heavy traffic. Here in Maine, my husband's mother and father's house sat maybe 30 feet from Rte. 25, one of the busiest roads leading to NH. Sixteen wheelers traveled there continuously. Many members of my family died from cancer, and both my husband's parents died from cancer as well. (Lung tumor the size of a grapefruit and bone cancer.) Exposure to petroleum fumes and the constant exhaust most likely contributed to the cancers. The Bible directs us not to live in houses "attached" or on top of each other. Living 'just off a road" probably isn't good for anyone especially if there is a fair amount of traffic. We are smarter now, but I suspect where we live and the air we breathe has a great deal to do with our health. We just have chem trails to deal with.
@Thyme1967. As children of a crop duster who were exposed daily to poisons like DDT, methyl parathion, paraquat and guthion I’m surprised that none of my family has died from cancer. To this day I’m lured into the outdoor department of stores like Tractor Supply by some of my earliest olfactory memories of those chemicals. How things have changed in just one generation!
I haven't really spoken about what I do for a living, but I'm taking this moment to give a bit of information that could be helpful to those receiving private disability benefits. Most disability insurers like Unum, The Hartford, The Standard, MetLife, Sun Life, Mass Mutual have resurrected most of their unfair claims practices and are once again denying legitimate claims. Although they briefly curbed their bad faith during COVID, the gloves are off once again. I've caught several insurers giving false information to my clients in order to deny claims before Dec. 31st, a profitability date. These companies are using visual and electronic surveillance to "catch" you engaging in activity beyond your reported medical restrictions and limitations. Private disability claims, namely ERISA Employer Plans, as well as IDI policies purchased individually are in jeopardy. Please pay attention to what's going on and make sure you keep adding information to your file. I'd hate to see you wake up on Jan 1 and not have your disability benefits. Good Luck!
OK, so no body cares. Fair enough.
One of the differences between America and third-world countries is that in our political system we had "the peaceful exchange of power", where the outgoing President and his political party welcomes the new without conflict. We haven't had that since Obama. Democraps have not respected the "peaceful exchange of power", and have pulled just about every dirty trick, including murder on Jan 6 to get political power and keep it. A new term was created called a "red flag" wherein government entities staged tragic and violent events, censorship, to keep power, or gain control over the other half of America who didn't agree with them. In the past, half of the Americans, or less didn't agree with the platforms of the newly elected President, but acknowledged the "will of the people" and waited until the next election. That didn't happen in 2020, and the Biden Administration kicked off the worst retaliation for "wrong thinking" this nation has ever seen, including a political coup, a Jan6 staged insurrection and murder, mandatory vaccines, a corrupt press, and media censorship. THAT IS NOT "peaceful exchange of power". It should be mentioned that impeaching Trump, Russia gate, pee-pee gate, Stormy, and all the other trumped up charges (pun intended) is again proof that democraps have/has no intention of honoring the "peaceful exchange of power." What happened here to cause America to become a banana republic? Remember, that when you plant banana trees, you get really ripe bananas.
@Thyme1967 It's a huge but powerful paragraph.
Fixing America is going to take a great deal more than Trump and political action. In the four years+ since the coup in 2020 democraps have whittled away at the world's understanding of the "humanity" and respect of a single human life. From name calling, to murder, to media lies etc. it may be that the hearts of the American people have been so hardened to the point that we just don't see human fraility, vulnerability, and feelings in others any more. Have you ever thought about what kind of person it takes to rape a child? I know I have. There cannot be any consciousness of what the child is feeling and how these acts will affect a lifetime. Or, what kind of parent convinces his/her child they are someone else and has their breasts or testicles cut off? Years of pushing homosexuality in our faces in combination with an open run on sexual perversion has hardened the hearts of a country where young men gave their lives to keep our way of life. In my opinion, Americans don't look at each other the same anymore, nor do we have a God given acceptance of the freedom, vulnerability, love and forgiveness that being a human being requires. Having been left "helpless" to remove the devastating effects of the democraps, we've hardened our hearts against the the common traits of humanity. It's going to take a lot more than Trump's actions to heal this nation. We will need to become "human" all over again.
Can anyone please tell me what Musk is doing tied to Donald's hip lately? Every time I see Trump in the news, Musk is nearby, Musk's in Mar a Lago, at sports events etc. If I were JD I'd be a little miffed. As Trump's VP, he should be in on any decisions, not Musk. Or JFK Jr. for that matter. I also think Gaetz got screwed. There's something very fishy going on here. I remember Matt fought like hell when the accusations of sex trafficking originally came out. Now, he just walks away when there still is no proof of wrongdoing? Is Trump pulling the same crap he pulled before by appointing RINOs as AG? Did Matt Gaetz take one for the team? Why is Musk sticking so close to Trump instead of JD? Has Musk stolen JD's cheese? What the hell is going on? Any ideas?
@Thyme1967 Musk will probably lead the DOGE to eliminate costly waste & unnecessary Executive Branch Bureaucracy.
@Thyme1967 I'm thinking this is a show to stall until the Republic is installed.
Anyone listen to Mike's video yesterdat? Despite one of the most successful political wins in American history Mike is still whining that all will not go well. While I know that Trump has a great deal of work ahead of him, I'm encouraged that American has been saved. Frankly, what I'd like to read and participate in from this website is support from all Americans about issues that better the quality of our lives such as food and health, issues related to improving America's economy, Patriots supporting each other in our communities, furthering news and information reporting, ideas for natural health, positivity in all aspects of life, media and health. What we don't need is the droning on and on that America is a failed country, and that Trump cannot save it. Americans can help to make life better just by taking a more positive outlook for the future. People here need to stop trying to cite "one verse wonders" from the Bible. False preachers are a nickel a dozen here. We could help each other with ideas, and the expression of real opinions that are helpful to daily living. Mike is an expert in chemical analysis - so analyze. Tell us what to eat and what ti avoid. Let's talk about that. I just don't want to hear anymore about financial collapse and what Trump won't do for the country. If you didn't vote for the man, Mike, you have no stake in the man. Lighten up and give America a chance.
@Thyme1967 U poor blind soul
@Thyme1967 His product sales require an instilled paranoia to remain profitable
This site has really been a bummer for a very long time. There is never any good news among the "good and plenty", and of course, now, everyone wants to be a preacher. Day after day, we read about how bad Israel is, how Zionists ruined the world, and how our government is trying to kill us. Mike has the world ending disastrously when the Bible says God returns to the earth and establishes his Kingdom here. The earth is NOT destroyed in reality, but I don't remember reading very many posts, if any, of how to survive through the End Times by giving each other moral support, encouragement and advice about food, medicine and spiritual faith in the Godhead. I've no doubt but that we're all good people continuing to write about the politics of this vile generation before we are all annihilated. Hate is hate regardless of how you try to dress it up with Biblical verses. I prefer HOPE. And, it's not OK to hate this group and not that one. Jesus never taught fatalistic messages, but He was clear about how he would bring about the end of the Age. Let's try to have a more hopeful and supportive perspective as we move forward. Some days I just shut Mike's videos OFF, and take days off from reading how bad, terrible horrific, perverted, genocidal, sex deranged, murderous, infectious and criminal our world is. Sometimes it just feels good to think positive in the love of Our Lord.
@Thyme1967 I can’t stomach much of Adam’s podcasts anymore either.
@HealthRanger Anyone who does not vote for Trump does not have the right to say anything about America or its people in the future. You have no right to speak about the failures of our economy, or International polices. You gave up your right to seek justice, and comment on the successes of Trump or his staff in the future. In my opinion, you are a nothing person, politically, and have no rights to freedom, free speech or arms. You do not have the right to benefit from any Trump policy either foreign or domestic. To not vote for Trump "just because" makes you a coward and you are of no help to the rest of Americans. This is my opinion and I hope you change your mind.
What level of stupidity does it take for someone to say they won't vote for Trump when it's obvious he is the only solution to return America to what it was? It doesn't matter that you hate the man for your own stupid reasons, and it doesn't even matter if he supports Israel or not. Who else have you got who can do as much good as Trump? It really takes a dim wit to NOT vote for the only positive candidate who can at least do some good. I don't know about people these days who make it a point to engage in one of the greatest human stupidities- not voting for Trump.
@Thyme1967 Americans love theater...
@Thyme1967 I don't vote for genocidal maniacs. Vote Shiva.
@Thyme1967 it is good to Love Trump, but if you also Love Kamala, you’re eligible for Religious labels.
I'd like to say something I think is very important. Given the frequency of "sermonizing" on this site I feel led to remind all of our Christian brothers and sisters that what will happen in the future will only be what God allows. Psalm 91 and the Book of Revelation prevents Satan from "touching a hair on your head." Since there is no Rapture, I'm sure life will suffer. Doesn't the Book say, "for the Elect's sake, the Tribulation will be shortened to 5 months?" Do not despair, for God is with you and is on the Throne. Some of the so-called preachers coming out of the wood work have studied Scripture about 5 minutes. They do not have the knowledge, nor the Biblical experience to teach us anything. What we get from them is opinion, and a whole lot of guessing. Their opinions about Scripture are filled with messages of hate for Israel, and God does not hate Israel. In Revelation God reveals how he will reconcile Israel to Himself. God also does not intend his Beloved to be fearful, scared, but designates them as "Watchers" as witnesses to his love, forgiveness and redemption. Do not let messages of hate, and conjecture instill fear in your hearts. Turn to God for his promised protection and never ending love. Stand with the full armor of Christ. Remember that God does not expect his people to be stupid. Prepare as much as you can. But, in the meantime disregard preachers with messages of hate. What happens is only what God allows. Remember you are under His wings. comment huh? People here are definately influenced by the spirit of the anti-Christ.
@Thyme1967 I'm glad to see comments that push back on Mike's "sermons." Thank you Thyme1967. Ironically, misinformation is all around us.....Mike's Sermon's are doing just that, exposing his lies....purging out the wolves among us.
But I will say, this is an opportunity to witness and pray for Mike Adams. He needs it desperately.
Good work, Israel apologists. I guess you're all on board with the genocide in Gaza? God help you, and all of us who have to live on this earth with you. Have a nice day. @Thyme1967
How much does a ticket to Madison Square Garden cost? Anyone know? I can't seem to find out. Thanks.