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BREAKING / EXCLUSIVE: Cattle deaths explained? NASA warns of deadly magnetosphere “rifts” that allow intense solar radiation to wipe out large numbers of animals on Earth
- Also blamed for the extinction of Neanderthals
- Magnetic poles "flip" and during the flip, the magnetosphere opens up many "rifts"
- Deadly solar radiation pierces through, wiping out life on the surface of the Earth
- No wonder globalists are building underground tunnels and cities!

The mysterious cattle deaths that took place over the weekend in Kansas -- now rumored to exceed 10,000 head of cattle -- have defied traditional explanations. The official story is that high heat killed…
www.naturalnews.comABOUT THOSE DEAD CATTLE: I called one of my friends who owns several hundred head of cattle.
"I doubt it very seriously that so many would drop dead all at the same time," he told me. "In a heat-related incident, they wouldn't all drop dead at the same time. You would see a few dead at a time, scattered across the herd, but not so many deaths all at once."
When I asked him if he thinks these are natural deaths or something more like sabotage, he said, "I'm thinking it's something nefarious."
Don't forget to cancel your credit cards with CHASE, the evil globalist bank that deplatformed Gen. Flynn. Take your business elsewhere...
Famed rapper DMX is dead. Just died today. This entertainment blog says it's because of the covid vaccine. Wouldn't be surprised at all:
DMX dead from COVID vaccine. Blog King, Mass Appeal NEW YORK — When rapper DMX (né Earl Simmons) suffered a massive heart attack a few days ago, word on the street claimed it was the byproduct of a drug…
Mass Appeal NewsRemember how I've been saying we keep finding high LEAD content in turmeric powder? Now we know why:
Turmeric from Bangladesh sometimes contains lead-laced chemical compounds, study finds

American and Bangladeshi researchers found that turmeric is occasionally laced with lead in Bangladesh, one of the world's leading turmeric-growing regions. In a study published in the journal Environmental…
www.naturalnews.comMASK CULT brainwashing video. So obviously a crazed cult of lunatics who literally think their mask is GOD:

“It’s a religion - nothing about this is based in science - pure propaganda”
TwitterThe purpose of the military under the brutal Biden regime is to KILL AMERICANS:
Biden orders TROOPS to administer coronavirus vaccines in California as military is repurposed for genocide

The Biden regime is deploying more than 1,000 active-duty troops across the country to help medical workers plunge Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) needles into Americans' arms at a faster pace. Secretary…
www.naturalnews.comNow they admit it was all rigged. They are bragging.

Now that they think their anointed is safely enthroned at the White House, the Deep State, through its propaganda mouthpiece Time magazine, is gloating over a “conspiracy” of Big Business, Big Tech, Big…
The New AmericanI have firsthand intel that Texas is preparing for the very real possibility of secession. No doubt many other states would join the effort as well. Most likely, the secession effort will not fully succeed until there is a black swan DISRUPTION event that obliterates centralized power in the D.C. swamp, such as a cascading debt collapse.
Get to a RED state before the collapse, because the BLUE cities will be death zones.

For decades, many Texans have contemplated life as a citizen of their own country, but it was the election theft of 2020 and a combination of other factors that finally inspired several people in the Lone…
www.naturalnews.comThe backlash against the insane WOKE culture begins. White rapper hits #1 on all the charts. Blows everything else out of the water, screaming out the truth about "fake woke." Even though this probably isn't your music style, you need to watch this at least once to understand how pop culture is now beginning to express the backlash against "woke" nonsense:
Can you imagine if the Republican Party as a whole had a backbone like Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a statement on Friday addressing the mob of Democrats and liberal reporter henchmen that are trying to “take her out” with a massive smear campaign. The statement…
The Gateway PunditWe now live in an authoritarian "woke" culture where humor is very nearly criminalized. If the radical Left gets its way, the following satire comedy skit will be OUTLAWED!
Share it everywhere you can, while you still can:
TRANSTRONAUTS: Transgender astronauts and problems with space balls (SATIRE)

What do you get when NASA decides to go full "woke" and choose a transgender astronaut just because they're trans? Answer: Transtronauts! Sadly, they end up having problems with space balls and the…
www.naturalnews.comLooks like the Biden regime is planning a major FALSE FLAG operation in Las Vegas toward the end of this month. They waste no time coming after the guns, do they?
BEWARE of traitorous members of the GOP who are now going to pretend like they are opposing Biden's agenda to fight for America. This is the GOP's favorite deception, and you're seeing it now from Rep. Dan Crenshaw and others who are suddenly spouting off about how they will fight to defend America from the Biden agenda. They are FAKERS. They voted for the fraudulent Biden electoral slate! They didn't stand up when it counted. They do not deserve your vote in any future election.
If in fact the military is in full control of this country. How long are they willing to allow this country to be “represented” by enemy combatants?
Interesting day. I'm seeing pretty vicious attacks on SGT Report and X22 Report from people who are emotionally immature, but just lashing out in anger. Even people from the freedom movement side of things.
That's not helpful, and it isn't over. The battle for America is ON! And it is not lost unless people just surrender and throw in the towel.
America is now a banana republic run by thieves and pedophiles, deceivers and crooks. They are mad with power and seek vengeance against half of America. They are treacherous and filled with vile hatred toward fellow Americans. The Left has been radicalized with hatred by the left-wing media for the last four years, and now they want blood.
Although I am reluctant to criticize Trump, I think it is nothing less than SHAMEFUL that he pardoned Steve Bannon and Lil' Wayne but not Julian Assange.
DoD head Chris Miller, I'm told, was on the phone today begging governors to send everything they have. And it's still not enough. 30,000+ troops and growing. Yet we only have 3,000 troops in Afghanistan. Think about it...