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Phil Beiser is a Correctional Officer. Born and raised in rural WI. Born Again Christian who was raised under patriotic and Godly principles of the Bible. He has an A.S. Degree in Criminal Justice-L.E. and has attended numerous trainings while in College. Phil has spent most of his career at a Mental Health Treatment Facility for prisoners. Phil is also a Widowed man who lost his wife to breast cancer in 2019. He continues to live with purpose for his late wife and for Jesus Christ.
Phil Beiser is a Correctional Officer. Born and raised in rural WI. Born Again Christian who was raised under patriotic and Godly principles of the Bible. He has an A.S. Degree in Criminal Justice-L.E. and has attended numerous trainings while in College. Phil has spent most of his career at a Mental Health Treatment Facility for prisoners. Phil is also a Widowed man who lost his wife to breast cancer in 2019. He continues to live with purpose for his late wife and for Jesus Christ.
The real reason Fauci is telling vaccinated people they no longer need to wear masks is so they can SHED MORE SPIKE PROTEINS to everybody else, and keep the sickness going.
BREAKING: New tweet from the White House: "Big news from the CDC: If you’re fully vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask – indoors or outdoors, in most settings."
The CDC now says "fully vaccinated" people no longer need to wear masks.
How much you want to bet these pro-vaccine, pro-mask lunatics will BEG to KEEP WEARING THEM because they're emotionally attached to masks as a form of virtual signaling obedience.
Watch and see how many MASK ZOMBIES persist...
Quote coming up in tomorrow morning's Situation Update podcast: If the globalists really do manage to kill 200+ million Americans and leave only 65 million survivors, you can bet those 65 million won't be woketards and soy boys. They will be the toughest preppers, survivalists and fighters in the history of the nation. The globalists don't seem to realize they're only killing off those WEAK enough and stupid enough to take vaccines and obey criminal governments.
I warned the world about weaponized, self-replicating vaccines in 2012. Yes, NINE years ago! I began to be deplatformed in 2014 and was among the first to be silenced. Now we know why...
The vaccines are SPREADING the bioweapon spike protein. This is called "self-replicating vaccine" technology, and it cannot be stopped once unleashed upon the population.
Here's my original warning from 2012:

SCIENCE must exist to serve the long-term interests of humanity, not to serve the short-term profits of corporations. To PROTECT the future of life on Earth, science must operate under the Precautionary…
www.naturalnews.comBOMBSHELL: Pfizer’s own documents admit covid vaccines will shed infectious particles to others...
The vaccine IS the pandemic! The spike protein is the bioweapon!

The latest "conspiracy theorist" to come forward and warn about particulate shedding from those who were recently "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is none other than Pfizer itself. The…
www.naturalnews.comSend this to every woman you know. Essential.
Check out my interview with Pastor Leon Benjamin, if you haven't seen it yet. He's also running for Congress in Virginia's 4th district! (2022). Vote for this man and there may yet be hope for the House:
Both the mainstream media and some publishers of the alternative media knowingly LIE about chlorine dioxide, falsely claiming it's "bleach." They are all shilling for Big Pharma and the vaccine industry, of course:
I normally wouldn't post an image of NBA nut job Lebron James getting hammered in the ass by a giant China poor bear, but I figure it's late enough in the evening to get away with it. Enjoy.
Must-see Bill Maher finally blasts stupid left-wing youth:
Here's my interview with the Resistance Chicks, who have an awesome channel on Brighteon, and they're doing amazing work for faith-based health freedom, homesteading, parenting and more. This is a channel you will enjoy. We talked about faith and the sustainability of Western civilization:
Hugely successful Tulsa event! TONS of videos coming your way shortly on Brighteon, including all the videos from the speakers of the event, and then all my private interviews with top people from the event, including Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, Jeffrey Prather, Andrew Wakefield, Melissa Tate, Charlene Bollinger and tons more. Stay tuned... and new podcasts also coming Monday morning. LOTS of good news to share!
MIND BLOWING: See what happens when 4G mobile phone signals interfere with the "freezing" of xylitol crystals under a video microscope. This is the topic of today's Situation Update, which covers morphic resonance, morphic fields and shows you how it works in real time. Must-see video clips!
Enjoy the "Vaccine Zombie" song and music video I created over a decade ago! All the lyrics are now true more than ever! And a zombie wave is coming from PRIONS and a type of "mad cow disease" that may be caused by mRNA vaccines:
CRINGE warning: I wonder if these nutbag vax-tards are going to feel so excited in a year when they're in the hospital, dying from a hyperinflammatory REACTION to the covid vaccine?

“Cringe: The Musical”
TwitterIf you use Windows 10, did you know the OS comes with a hidden keylogger that secretly records all your keystrokes (including passwords) and uploads everything to Microsoft? This "feature" can apparently be disabled, but you have to know how.

Hidden inside Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system software is a keylogger spyware module that records the keystrokes and voices of users and sends this private data straight to the mother ship. Another…