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Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, off grid homesteader. History of home educating my children. Recovering RN. Do not tell me that I cannot do something! I will...
Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, off grid homesteader. History of home educating my children. Recovering RN. Do not tell me that I cannot do something! I will...
about 50-60 rodents caught in less than 10 minutes
- 5 million views in 3 weeks
*** this is gross but it works if you live out in the country!
You are not allowed to speak your mind, walk outside, or enjoy any entertainment in America if you do not get the Bill Gates dirty vaccine series #DirtyVaccines

That's right folks, our digital avatar fake president, resident Biden, who's gone senile and can't even appear in public without a green screen and holograms to pretend like he's functional, is telling…
www.naturalnews.comHappy Pi Day! Chicago style pizza and French Silk pie, from scratch. All organic ingredients.
Good Morning.Anything exciting happening.??
Anybody here? is it just me or this a difficult site to navigate? I'm new here, and would like to hang out more..
Hello, new member. Glad to be here.
Hey everyone!! thought I would pop on here and let you know a little bit about myself and my blog. I am a mom of three kids, I am an in home care provider, I am a consultant for Scentsy and I am an animal rescue. My days are full and at times stressful but I absolutely love all that I do. I talk a lot about being a mom on my blog and plan to share more of my day to day journeys as well. I am excited to meet everyone, please don't be shy, drop a comment down below and tell me where you are from.
Has none in Texas tested the soil since the "snow?" Where can I send soil samples for testing - for cheap. I'm afraid I can't even reuse the soil from my garden due to whatever was in the snow. It wiped out EVERYTHING. Dead as a doornail. Winter hardy vegetables looked like someone doused them with roundup. Brown and dead to the roots. Thanks for the help.
By refusing to allow independent audit of ballots to prove allegations of legitimacy of the government
SCOTUS officially declares the constitution void and itself merely 3rd world deep state globalist kangaroo court
pushing US into the long dark winter abyss where truth and justice are displaced by lawlessness and once again a magnificent civilization built by cultured man falls to the fake gods of greed and envy as did Rome and Constantinople drowning in a flood of uncultured barbaric masses
@Samiam2 I checked out some of the GESARA info as you requested. The thumbnails in your post couldn't be enlarged enough for me to read on my PC. I did some DuckDuckGo on it though. What I found didn't look very promising. triggered my Avast internet security before I could even load it. The other websites lack a LOT of details. For example, it said that this law was passed in 2000. Ok. Passed by who? In what country? By what legislative body? Sounds very too-good-to-be true.
@jonklement @Samiam2 Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society has been posting about GESARA since I first heard of St Germain .. that was 2012 .. then picked up a lot of steam with the Q movement.
Getting started with I am here!!
Hey patriots, are you on this social media platform!? Where are y’all at?
@Samiam2 I checked out some of the GESARA info as you requested. The thumbnails in your post couldn't be enlarged enough for me to read on my PC. I did some DuckDuckGo on it though. What I found didn't look very promising. triggered my Avast internet security before I could even load it. The other websites lack a LOT of details. For example, it said that this law was passed in 2000. Ok. Passed by who? In what country? By what legislative body? Sounds very too-good-to-be true.
@jonklement @Samiam2 Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society has been posting about GESARA since I first heard of St Germain .. that was 2012 .. then picked up a lot of steam with the Q movement.
Phys ops .
Good morning, world! Today, I got up with my alarm clock going off at sunrise. My plan, starting today, is to set my circadian rhythms with the Sun. It's just one part of many things I'm doing to get healthier, fitter, have more energy, and achieve more each day. Since I set my own hours, I need to take advantage of that and control my day instead of letting my day control me. How is everyone out there in Brighteon Land?
'Thank You Red Dragon Elders and Grandfather' ?!!!
Phys ops .
.... 'Get in and Get Out' !!?
- 'so the banks can make more money'?!!
-2015 !! - What The Hell !!