I live in Florida, USA, I'm married, I love life, God is good all the time. God Bless The USA!
@Sharlee I read his book when my kids were young! changed my trajectory ...bigly
@Sharlee "Clinicians are floundering about in a sea of speculation and uncertainty concerning cause and cure; and the best of them declare that autopsies prove that almost half of their diagnoses are wrong." (Dr. Charles Mayo, in a radio broadcast stated that at their clinic, autopsies show that they get only 20% diagnoses right.)
@DiamondTNT @Sharlee Funny thing I had recently decided that I'm not going back to my worthless GP. Cant even get antibiotics when u really need them so now I stock a few basic types. The only med I take is for high blood pressure and I'm hoping to not even need that soon and if I do I'll just order from India. I'm finding out about so many great cures for things that have been suppressed. I am actually excited about getting out of their medical "industrial system".