I'm a loving husband and father to 2 wonderful boys. I believe in Christ Jesus and that freedom is our duty to defend.
"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They'll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government"
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower
One of our top 3 best Presidents this nation!
@slave2no1 He also had a dark side, I suppose like all humans, but because of his position of power, the results were horrific. Search via DuckDuckGo, something like, Eisenhower Death Camps WWII and read. He imprisoned and left 12.5 million Germans to die of starvation, effectively doubling the genocide of Hitler.
Speechless! Wow my friend.....I will certainly research this.. Nothing is what it truly seems except the word of God
@slave2no1 I too was blown away. Although I haven't read it yet, and I intend to, I've heard The Bad War, the Truth about WWII by MS King is quite revealing. Search and download. I have it. Even concentration camps are a British invention, first employed, in the modern era, in the Boer Wars in S. Africa.
Former CIA director Bill Casey, said that our job will be complete when everything the American people believe is a lie.
The victors in war always write the account of it. God's word--eternal.
God has been unveiling so many things in his glorious light. I sincerely appreciate you sharing things that you know with me! I am taking screen shots of the book titles and literature that you share with me so that i don't loose the info in the comm threads. I'm not exactly a pro at navigating this platform. I do it from my cell phone so pardon my mis spellings and Grammer errors lol doing the best i can but really..thank you for sharing!
@slave2no1 My friend! I have a hard time navigating this platform too! I was beginning to think I was the only one.
It's possible that one day, this platform will also disappear. I'm a ham radio operator. I gained the knowledge and equipment in case this nonsense went down, and it has. You might consider getting licensed and equipped. It's easy and worth the time. I've spoken with people in your area from here and as far as Costa Rica.. Just a thought and a friendly push!