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I am a Son of God, a U.S. of A. Patriot and USCG Veteran, a Loving Husband, Son, Father, Grandfather Uncle & Nieghbor....I am Truth Seeker who believes in the word of God and our constitutional rights and our freedoms and i will fight and gladly give my life to defend all of these sacred things against any enemy anytime/anywhere to retain all of them...
I am a Son of God, a U.S. of A. Patriot and USCG Veteran, a Loving Husband, Son, Father, Grandfather Uncle & Nieghbor....I am Truth Seeker who believes in the word of God and our constitutional rights and our freedoms and i will fight and gladly give my life to defend all of these sacred things against any enemy anytime/anywhere to retain all of them...
F A I T H"cdrexp"%3A"b"%2C"artexp"%3A"b"%2C"prodexp"%3A"b"%2C"prdsdexp"%3A"c"%2C"biaexp"%3A"b"%2C"msvrtexp"%3A"b"%7D
DuckDuckGo. Privacy, Simplified.
I'm on it.... have been maskless for several months now!!! Down with the mask of lies from hell!!!
From 'End Human Trafficking' via Telegram
DO NOT watch this if you have a weak heart.!
I do think however that this NEEDS TO BE shared far and wide, and these INHUMAN BEASTS must be brought to justice! (a bullet would be too easy for them)

t.meBrothers and sisters ponder a moment upon the life of this blessed woman who had endured so much generationally imposed darkness forced upon her as a child and give praise our Great Redeeming Almighty Father who raised her up from the bondage she was in saving her from the wicked seed of Cane that she was born into! Her testimony of deliverance and complete trust in our Lord Jesus should make us who have not suffered her same plight feel very blessed and fortunate
Wow, Trump just signed an executive order on deploying nuclear "micro reactors" to military bases and outer space, which covers: (iii) system resistance to disruption from an electro‑magnetic pulse event.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. P @HealthRanger @eradman
YES this is what i saw in my dream! Speechless!!! What a terrifying scenario!!! Look at the subject matter of the video.. killing particular people for their beliefs? Ultra precision culling of society???
I had a dream that terrified me About 2 months ago! In this dream i was outside on a clear sunny day and literally out of the blue, swarms of these little demonic assasination robot flies filled the skies like a swarm of locusts and were attacking people. Does this mean something. I would say YES.! I don't dream very much. This is not just a coincidence. Had no idea these little things actually existed! Last year i had 2 dreams.. one of a lion, the other of a python attacking us
Look at this! The current temperatures along one side of the Gulf Coast in TX are barely at freezing.. while the temperatures on the other side of the Gulf Coast in FL are close to 80 degrees. What a difference! #TXwx #FLwx #GrandSolarMinimum
I call the RAPTURE DOCTINE the "TUCK TAIL, RUN AWAY, & NOT TESTIFY ON CHRIST BEHALF DOCTRINE" .. We were told that we would be persecuted and that GOD would send HIS HOLY SPIRIT UNTO US & WE WOULD TESTIFY ON HIS BEHALF ..
Jesus Taught us that even a Child Would Understand His Clear Teaching ..
He sure resembled Dracula !!!!! Loser !!!!
So...30K watched Ol' Joe's president's day address. 1K Likes, 4.1K DISlikes
Now.check THIS out! RSBN live-streamed 3+ hrs of the President's Day Celebration that was impromptu organized for OUR President Trump down in West Palm Beach
Hah!! Libturds East Your Hearts Out! Nearly a MILLION views, 81K Likes, and that's not even counting the awesome number of Patriots who showed up to celebrate OUR President Donald J. Trump!
LOVE IT!!! LOVE IT!!! LOVE IT!!! (watching the re-run on YT right now)
@IronWolf straight up... especially a K-9
Mitch McConnell does not have to balls to do it..........its ok we`ll get around to it later , right now we are getting ready to start the machine up again !!!!!
@LKNGRL There would be nothing the double minded hypocrite murderers could do... There is so many blind and deaf obedient zombies that will walk right off of a cliff for their precious all knowing authorities! Their fear paralyzes them completely! The truth of the Father and the Son is not in them so they sleep walk through life in total oblivion!!! Really sad actually because their denial of the truth hands them over to their eternal destruction!
The Health Ranger Has some Good PDF s to Download SEE All kind of stuff 9 hours long Entertainment Also for when the Grid or NET go Down I got thumbdrives with Military Manuals PDF s AT Still Reading the NEW Ranger manual PDF SEE AP also has NC Scout doing RADIO CONTRA PDF s from The Commandante of the Mossy Oak Militia Broadcasting from an Undisclosed.....