I am a Son of God, a U.S. of A. Patriot and USCG Veteran, a Loving Husband, Son, Father, Grandfather Uncle & Nieghbor....I am Truth Seeker who believes in the word of God and our constitutional rights and our freedoms and i will fight and gladly give my life to defend all of these sacred things against any enemy anytime/anywhere to retain all of them...
From 'End Human Trafficking' via Telegram
DO NOT watch this if you have a weak heart.!
I do think however that this NEEDS TO BE shared far and wide, and these INHUMAN BEASTS must be brought to justice! (a bullet would be too easy for them)

Sick Twisted bastards! A bullet would be a waste of ammunition! A rope or a high cliff can be used over and over! So can a furnace...There should be no mercy for the souls that commit these acts! I have 5 children, all grown up now except for my youngest that went on to glory from a motorcycle accident 10 years ago! I can not imagine having lost any of them to thIs kind of evil.. God bless all of the families that suffer such loss of their precious ones! Grŕrrrrrr!