I am a Son of God, a U.S. of A. Patriot and USCG Veteran, a Loving Husband, Son, Father, Grandfather Uncle & Nieghbor....I am Truth Seeker who believes in the word of God and our constitutional rights and our freedoms and i will fight and gladly give my life to defend all of these sacred things against any enemy anytime/anywhere to retain all of them...
@xpain I have witnessed this Satyr beast with my own two eyes last summer late at night or early in the morning at precisely 3:00 AM while laying in bed. Sober and Vigilant! I was wide awake when it appeared outside the sliding glass door! It was the beast Isaiah foretold of! The departed souls of these creatures that were on the earth that the watcher angels created are the same demons that harass mankind's thoughts daily! Paul and Jesus referred to them as "The Noiseome Pestilence" Demons!