I am a Son of God, a U.S. of A. Patriot and USCG Veteran, a Loving Husband, Son, Father, Grandfather Uncle & Nieghbor....I am Truth Seeker who believes in the word of God and our constitutional rights and our freedoms and i will fight and gladly give my life to defend all of these sacred things against any enemy anytime/anywhere to retain all of them...
The thing about writing: Interpretation puts a Twist on it. Some will read & they get the exact point you were trying to make. Others may read it & NOT get the point you wanted to make. If they disagree, they have a need to set you straight or just voice opposition. We live in a flat world. Better, tho still not perfect, is in person. Facial expression, Body Language, Tone of voice contribute to the words. Whatever you say will be met with:
or Meh! It will always be so. So embrace each!
@slave2no1 Ok, exactly my point! I meant flat world in the sense that writing words is one dimensional and not full communications with the other: expression, tone, etc. NOW YOU ARE GOING TO GET THE FLAT EARTHERS stirred up at me & Round Earthers! Thank you , I manage quite well annoying people on my own. They say we all have talents. Mine seems to either (mostly) annoy, entertain, or bore people. So I am triple talented.
Flat or Round, I am annoyed with the state it is in.
@slave2no1 Am not RULED by emotion OR logic. Emotion is usually instantaneous REACTION. It zooms through our brain, ricocheting like a bullet, madly careening around our entire body, firing up feelings. Logic is walking calmly behind, picking up the fragments, painting perspective on the canvas, putting the puzzle together. We are given many elements to EXPERIENCE multi-dimensionally. Mental, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual. The 5th & 6th elements being: Sarcasm &Humor! my faves LOL
@slave2no1 VET. Vietnam (not in-country) 1 of 4 first women accepted to ET school @ Great Lakes. Got out, joined Army Nat Guard. Grew up on farm: no running water, elec. Traveled all over. Ended up back on Dad's place after all those years! Full Circle. Listening 2 those who rave: "Go Fight! To the Death! COWARDS!" HURTS! Understand the burning Frustration. My Heart & Spirit concur. My body has been battered. Won't go like it used to. Tried explaining why some can't & fight other ways. No Luck
I went through boot at Cape May NJ. Sept 86..i believe that Great lakes facility had been closed down by that time... Wow how time flies by.!