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The Uncommon Common Man
The Uncommon Common Man
Is this the photo of a butch bull dyke or a she-male? At the least, it is another "Skank of Babylon". (It is even doing a "Roman Salute")
There does seem to be the head of a penis poking through the fabric of the dress----but you tell me---what in the hell is going on with all these weird ass looking political figures?
It's the Fall of Rome.
With internet.
A thread on this platform reminded me of a dude I met a few years ago. He was 85 years old. He had not set the world on fire---was not a rock musician, or author of profound works, or a gunfighter, nor a farmer. The most interesting thing he had done was raise German Shepard dogs professionally for years. He was not wealthy and did not live in a mansion. Yet, he was somehow cool as hell.
Age had bent his spinal column, so that he stood and walked at a 45 degree angle. His wife was about 35 years younger than him. He had married her when she was 18 years old. When I met him, she was employed as a manager of a large corporate grocery chain. So, she made the money. He was a "kept" old man. He had a razor sharp self-depreciating humor about his life as a old man.
In the 3 weeks or so that I was at his home, his humor about himself had me laughing so hard daily I could barely breath. He would harass and mock telemarketers when they called him. He said his skill at cunnilingus was the only reason his wife stayed with him. He expressed a very cynical view of human nature---most human beings were liars, cheaters, greedy, untrustworthy, and dim-witted to him. He loved to tell stories of all the things he could do and say as a old man, that would have got him shunned or arrested as a young man.
I enjoyed my time spend around him. He gave me some of the hardest laughs I have ever had and hope for my life to come as an old man. If he is still alive, he would be in his late 90's. I assume he is now dead. I should have reached out to him a few years ago---he never knew the impact he had on my world view in such a short time.
Well, back in 2004, Ronnie James Dio knew. Just as Eric Blair AKA "George Orwell" decades before. So, here we are in 2025, the eyes upon us----"Space-X", GPS, Twitter/X, IP tracking, cell tower pinging, NSA, FBI---looking for our secrets. Only in our dreams, are we invisible to the prying eyes.
Oh no, they're at it again, looking inside my secrets
Coming through cracks before I mend the wall
Get out cause you're breaking the law
How did you ever find me?
Places I can hide can't get much smaller
I have invisible dreams where no one can touch me
Maybe I'll find a way to disappear
No one moves and no one dies
Just the eyes
I've run as fast as I can thinking they'll never catch me
What a waste of breath, a waste of time
Feel like digging a hole, going in even deeper
Maybe they just can't see what just can't shine
I'll be lost so no goodbyes
If no one moves then nothing dies
Just the eyes
Oh no, they've done it again, sending out the detectives
Searching for signs of life and that means me
In my invisible dreams when no one is watching
I'd make the whole world blind and I'd be free
I'll be lost so no replies
If no one looks then no one dies
Just the eyes
Those eyes
Magic numbers, even sacrifice
I can't find a way cause nothing stops the eyes
As night falls, we slowly steady....turn the volume knob to maximum.
Through 50 watt speakers and sub-woofers, the sound thunders down the hill and across the 300 yard natural flood plain, across the creek, and up the inclining opposite wooded hillside.
"...the night tells a thousand lies...and when you wake up in the morning...were you dreaming...SCREAMING...
Nothing like the piercing of the dark rural countryside with some Dio. Thanks Ronnie James---your creativity was second to none.
The Police State, (FBI, ATF, HS, NSA, etc etc) is immune from the scrutiny from "doge"----why is that?
Jeffery Epstein's financial role and position with Bear Stearns is being completely ignored and forgotten---why is that? Moreover, why two guards fell asleep, while on the job, and at the same time, with a high profile inmate----remains a mystery.
Why is Zelensky being manufactured into a scapegoat---when it is obvious that the US Congress, the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve Bank, and Blackrock were/are the culprits in the laundering scheme of Ukraine?
Am I having another dream such as with chem trails, or is it real?
@SouthernGuerilla Setting the narrative for a justified Zelensky demise, he is 47 years old and has a high probability of being taken out in a dramatic Franz Ferdinand justification for escalation of war. He may or may not actually be dead. These scoundrels are just manipulating the people's minds so Trump can claim clean hands, even though he is part of it all.
@gd yeah, Zelensky has seemed on the tightrope of being killed for about a year now. But, there was that ridiculous public spat between the two actors, Trump and Zenlensky, the other day---seems it may be setting the stage for something. Or it may have been done merely to distract the dim-witted public as to the real culprits in the laundering scheme. And, of course Trump is in on it---he knows Zelensky is just a puppet actor installed as president of Ukraine by the Zionists for the "Greater Israel" project. And he knows the US Congress, the Treasury, the Federal Reserve Bank, and Blackrock are to blame for Ukraine---not Zelensky as an individual.
@SouthernGuerilla Yep, Trump and Fink go way back.
Well, today, as I began to turn the soil for the spring garden, I began to feel odd.
Internal organs began to cramp. Felt like they were exploding. Abdomen began to bloat. Heart pounding. Feet and hands swelling. Felt as if my skull and brain weighed 30 pounds, placing enormous pressure on my spinal column.
Nevertheless, I looked to the heavens to pray for relief. And, lo and behold, I saw chem trails. The billowy fluffy white streaks were twirling and whirling. As they twisted, they began to form into the shape of the grinning fat face of the Bolshevik Donald Trump. Although horrified, down on my knees, I raised one arm, and gave the image a stiff raised middle finger.
"Fuck you, you Communist Jew loving bastard", I growled through clenched teeth.
As my teeth sank into my tongue, I awoke. Drenched in sweat. Body quivering. My mouth full of blood. I spit the blood out onto the floor.
Whewwwww. I was safe in bed. It was only a dream. I hung over the side rail of the bed, heaving sighs of relief. It was only a dream.
Or was it?
@SouthernGuerilla I don't know if I would call that a dream. I would call it more like a premonition after the article I just read.
I think our greatest fears are about to become a reality!

We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves has been very difficult to discern what is real or not for the last few years. I suspect the matter will become worse---we are all vulnerable to having extremely unusual and unpleasant experiences due to a multitude of causes. All, of which, are difficult to determine,
Does art mimic reality, or is reality art?
Well, regardless of an objective answer, the recent optic of Musk wielding a prop chainsaw reveals how ridiculous the theater is. And is to come.
The imagery does remind one of the series of slasher films titled "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". Does Musk believe he is the character "Leather Face" seeking to consume human flesh for "xAI"? Moreover, I would actually pay that stooge clown to fell and limb a large tree with a chainsaw. And would take wagers on how long it would take him to injure himself or get killed while doing it.
Leave the chainsaw work to real men, punk ass "Leather Face" Musk. You appear as a foreign urbanite fool parading on a stage with one.
If you remember the "old school days of entertainment", you will remember the three stooges. These little Jews always dressed odd with peculiar hairdos, slapped the shit out of each other, and generally wrecked havoc and chaos everywhere they went.
Well, art is now reality as we have the neo-Stooges. While they are not Jews, they have dedicated themselves to serving their Adelson and Kushner masters.
But do not doubt their comedy. There is the character "Musk" who buck dances on stage to no music, and lights up joints on podcasts. He is presented as an engineering genius, yet makes posts like a goofy teenager on a social media platform, of which, he is the scripted owner. He also wants to hook your brain and money to machines called AI.
There is "Trump" who cut his teeth early with Don King. But he strengthen his resume with stints and roles on the "Oprah Winfrey Show", WWE and "the Apprentice". He is now a fully formed comedian actor. He will have you howling with laughter with his ridiculous statements and does his own stunt work, such as pretending to be shot at.
And there is "Vance" wondering around in backwood creeks looking for pollution. His main role is to constantly fawn upon the two older and dumber Stooges.
All three are now starring together in the new feature, "The New Three Stooges Do Washington" coming to a streaming service near you!
From George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to these villains.
With nothing but high-tech tyranny to offer humanity. Well, of course, there's the death (mRNA) that they offer we, "world citizens".
Today's "Americans" just love their billionaire rulers.
Far too stupid to remain a free people.
@34ShuttheDoor Indeed, whether one perceives them as actors or not, the political figures of the last several decades in US have been degenerates. But they merely reflect the general population.
In the US, the Federal Bureau of Prisons is one of the most corrupt and wasteful on the earth. The subject is vast. But "Big Ag" and vendors make a financial fortune from the processed food contracts. "Big Pharma" makes a fortune from all the drug prescriptions for inmates. There are hundreds of useless allopathic doctors and psychiatrists on the payroll. Hundreds of sadists are employed as "guards" and in administration. The energy and water costs are enormous. Maintenance costs are enormous. Literally millions of Federal Reserve Notes are wasted per month. Yet, the US government has nearly no constitutional authority for it existing.
When is the publicity stunt called "doge" and the son of the Zionists Donald "Vaccine" going to start dismantling it? When is the US Congress going to repeal all statutes which established it? When will the federal courts and the US Supreme Court strike the US prison system down as unconstitutional?
Sounds good but if you shut the prison system down or just get on the straight and narrow all these POS fired will become cops!!
@beerrs Good point! And the transfer of employees to another government agency is just one of many reasons why the "doge" nonsense cannot be trusted at all. For example, so what if IRS agents are "fired", and simply transferred to Homeland Security.
Awwwww....are not family photos so endearing and warm. Sometimes, ya can just feel the love.
Well, here is one of child Stooge Puppet Trump, and his two loving Federal Reserve Note parents----Sugar Daddy Sheldon Adelson and Sugar Momma Miriam Adelson.
It nearly makes tears of joy swell, don't it? God Bless the Zionist States of America!
Another installment of the "Skanks of Babylon" series.
Meet Miriam Adelson. This crusty old Jewish battle-axe is THE Sugar Momma of your new "US president", Donald "Vaccine" Trump. He, not unlike Romulus and Remus nursing the she-wolf, has been sucking on the saggy teats of this skank for years.
Her rabid Zionism and financial support of Trump is a matter of obvious public record. It is not secret or hidden. She has not only funded the presidential campaigns to the tune of over 100 million, but has also funded Trump's "lawfare" to avoid imprisonment for his crimes. Under the definition of Forbes, she is the wealthiest "Israeli" on earth.
She is your "First Lady". And if anyone has ever bought the US presidency, it is her. So, when you follow Trump, he leads you to the feet of corns of this old skank witch.
So, fuck off, Miriam Adelson. We can only hope the Muslims string you up, and hang you from a rope. Then drag your corpse through the streets of Jerusalem, to be eaten by stray dogs---kinda like Jezebel.
Another installment of the "Skanks of Babylon" series.
For those who do not know, or have simply forgotten, this is a official White House publicity clip, at the height of the "Covid 1984" scam. In it, the Slovenian Melania Knauss Trump is peddling mask wearing and "social distancing" in pathetic broken English.
Lets think about it----a foreign woman, who cannot prove her citizenship nor speak our language clearly, attempting to tell us to "mask up" and stay the hell away from each other as protection from a virus which has not been proven to exist. We should be ashamed to have allowed such degradation. It is a comical absurdity.
So, fuck off, Melania Knauss. Get your tranny ass back to Slovenia.
Wanna play Warp Speed, anyone?
For those who do not know, have simply forgotten, and with short attention spans, here is the 56 seconds of the official White House approved public statement on "Warp Speed" by Alex Azar who was then Secretary Health and Human Services in the first Trump regime. Azar came into the regime straight out of "Big Pharma", specifically Eli Lilly
Is there anything unclear in it as to the official position of the Trump regime as to "Operation Warp Speed"?
Is it really any mystery as to where and with who Trump is aligned?
So, fuck off Alex Azar. Yourself and others of your ilk should be charged for your criminal offenses. And once convicted, hanged by your necks until dead.
Perhaps another tale about how ya just never can tell about people and events in life.
I found out, about 3 months ago, from a brother gamefowl aficionado about a very small feed store, within just 3 miles or so of me. Today, I stopped by the store. It is a very small business, owned by a retired husband and wife. And they stock, what most would consider a good selection of pre-mixed feeds for gamefowl. And, I was told, by one of the owners, that they can order the three grains I would prefer as a base for mixing my own feed ration.
But, I found out, that the male owner, is a retired cop from the police department which was/is the most corrupt, violent and ignorant which I have ever encountered. And once he told me, I started hammering him with questions about the corruption going back 20 years ago. I think it surprised the hell out of him. (surprised me too...I had no idea he had been a cop when I stopped by) His response was that he does not know anything about the individuals and incidents I was asking about. And now that he is retired all he wants to do is farm and raise his horses. And, of course, sell some feed. He is done with his life as a cop of 30 years.
To me it was amazing---a cop, who had the rank of captain, for the night shift, at the exact same time I was unlawfully arrested by that department----is now selling feed to gamecock breeders/fighters. And I may end up having him order feed for me.
If one goes by public record, Sheldon Adelson made most if his fortune in Federal Reserve Notes with gambling hotels/casinos in Las Vegas. Donald Trump attempted to emulate the "Adelson Business Model" in Atlantic City. But failed---the casino was not generating enough revenue to even make the debt payments. So, Adelson intervenes. He and the Rothschild banking cartel via Wilbur Ross "re-financed" the loans to Trump. And Trump was able to stay in business.
If one goes by public record, Sheldon Adelson, until his death, was Donald Trump's largest financial backer/supporter. Then, around June of 2024, it also becomes public record that Miriam Adelson, Sheldon's savage widow, had pledged 90 million to the Trump presidential campaign. And, man, did that campaign take off once that announcement was made.
So, the other day, I noticed Trump making comments about Gaza becoming basically a tourist trap gambling/casino/resort. Hmmmm...I thought...just like Atlantic City and Las Vegas and a venue to compete against "Riyadh Season" and other tourists traps springing up all over Saudi Arabia.
And the idea sounds like one straight from Sheldon Adelson's mind---murder and remove the Palestinians---level the buildings---and build new hotels and casinos----a new Sin City in the Middle East. Adelson must have put that condition in his Will---a Trump regime must help level and then rebuild Gaza as a condition to receive the 90 million.
Another installment of the "Skanks of Babylon" series.
Recently, Republican party member, Nancy Mace, wasted her allotted time on the House floor, making factless allegations of sexual assaults against herself. It sounded a lot like a rendition of "Me Too" a few years too late.
But take a look at her---the bony pale pencil legs, the knotty knees, the seemingly silicon enhanced bosom, the street walker attire, the pancake flat ass, the wide forehead---she looks to smell of rotting trout between her legs. She is nothing more than a distorted top heavy tranny-looking skank.
So, lets be serious---what man would even remotely desire this woman sexually? Since when did gross ugly women begin to stimulate the sexual lust of men to the point that the men cannot control themselves? Are we to actually believe that Nancy Mace is so beautiful that she gives men involuntary erections just for her?
Or could it be, that this ugly piece of shit, was attempting on the floor of the House, to get all to think about her ole yeast-infected vagina, shitty anus, and ape-like mouth?
Go fuck yourself, Nancy Mace....nobody wants to fuck you.
"National Security" is a buzzword--a euphemism---for the wielding of wholly unconstitutional powers over the populace.
When you hear any political office holder or anyone else on the government payroll, yapping about "national security", it is prima facie evidence that that individual has the agenda of a criminal tyrant.
Lets see now, what has the Trump regime missed so far...hmmm...gee whizz...perhaps a short list.
1. Enthusiastically urge the US Congress to repeal the "Federal Reserve Act of 1913" and "Title I and Title II of the "Gun Control Act of 1968".
2. Abolish the Center for Disease Control and National Institute of Health.
3 Enthusiastically urge the US Congress to repeal all statutes which established the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Homeland Security, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the National Security Agency.
4 Enthusiastically urge the 50 states to nullify all federal "laws" deemed in violation of state constitutions.
5 Issue a complete and full pardon of Edward Snowden.
The above is merely a "starter pack'---when the Trump regime ceases the superfluous symbolism, and gets down to dismantling the power structure itself, then I will be a convert. And joyfully admit I was wrong. But as long as the Trump regime continues on the paths it is taking, at best, it is spinning in the mud going nowhere, and at worst, setting the stage for a totalitarian New World Order with a seat in the US.
Inside sources say that the following public figures who cannot prove their US citizenship and are thus unlawful foreign aliens will be detained by "ICE"!
1. The South African Elon Musk.
2. The Slovenian Melania Knauss
3. The Indonesian Barry Soetoro
4 The Punjabi Kashyap Pramod Patel
Justice does indeed move slow, but the "White Hats" are draining the swamp. Hopefully, "dual citizens" such as the Adelson and Kushner crime families will be next.
Wonder when "ICE" is going to deport the South African Elon Musk and the Slovenian Melania Knauss?
It appears that neither their papers nor digital identity can be verified. So we are waiting for the public announcement that both have been "rounded up" by the Gestapo for deportation.