Originally from my mother; alive on earth for over 64 years & twice born by the grace of God for more than 44 years. God has been good to me, so much better than I deserve. I was a filthy, wicked, guilty hell deserving sinner with no way to save myself from God's wrath. But praise God, he had mercy on me and brought me to see my need to be saved by Jesus Christ. He gave me repentance to the acknowledging of the truth & faith to believe on Jesus. On my way to heaven & desiring to make him known!
CCP Joe's maternity flight suits is insane. 2 key points on this: A) Potential murder of unborn child if the pilot's plane crashes or she becomes a POW subject to torture. B) This is another attack on virtuous women. According to The Bible, a woman's place is in the home as wife & mother. Study Biblical history; women were NEVER part of the military. The fake MSM/Hollywood crowd promotes Captain Marvel/Wonder Woman as a Satanic attack on God's order: MEN must lead! https://www.brighteon.com/62f8e252-182d-4718-946b-d3732e448a53