Originally from my mother; alive on earth for over 64 years & twice born by the grace of God for more than 44 years. God has been good to me, so much better than I deserve. I was a filthy, wicked, guilty hell deserving sinner with no way to save myself from God's wrath. But praise God, he had mercy on me and brought me to see my need to be saved by Jesus Christ. He gave me repentance to the acknowledging of the truth & faith to believe on Jesus. On my way to heaven & desiring to make him known!
Mike, my "internal mental model" is this: THE HOLY BIBLE THAT I DAILY HIDE IN MY HEART SDO THAT I DO NOT SIN AGAINST GOD AS DAVID SAID (Psalm 119:11)! You place so much emphasis on "humanity" which is why your focus is on the HERE AND NOW rather than the ETERNAL realm! That's why you and Alex Jones are so focused on "saving America" over saving souls! Look at the apostles of Jesus Christ, and even Jesus himself. Did they not have to deal with the corrupt empire of Rome (Caesar playing God) and the apostate Jewish government, both of which rejected Jesus Christ in favor of what THEY believed and what made them feel good? And yet, do you see Jesus and his true followers trying to fight against and overthrow these corrupt governmental structures? No! You see them ALWAYS focusing on the one main thing: CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Should we oppose all the evil we encounter in this world? Yes! True believers in and followers of Jesus Christ have a definite responsibility and duty to do so; but NOT to at the expense of compromising on God's absolute truth and carrying out the one mission Jesus gave to his apostles, and through them to ALL true Christians; and that is THE GREAT COMMISSION, which is, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15) It is doing what Jesus declared of himself to Joseph and Mary as a 12 year old boy, to "be about my Father's business". You can keep "team humanity" and "surviving". I'll stick with Jesus and his gospel!