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This is unreal. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) now says that if you check job applicants for criminal histories, including felony crimes, and if you deny them employment because they are convicted #criminals, you're now engaged in #RACISM against black people. Because, according to the EEOC, so many black applicants have felony records that refusing to hire felons is discrimination against blacks. Not making this up. So now, to appease the federal government's insane #DEI demands, you must hire BLACK FELONS over White non-criminals, because hiring White non-criminals is racist, you see. This is Joe Biden's insane federal government, run by lunatic Democrats who invoke "civil rights" for every insane monstrosity they want to push. I have a better idea: Why don't we legalize hiring the BEST person for the job, regardless of their skin color?

A popular US convenience store chain has been hit with a civil rights lawsuit accusing it of discriminating against minority job seekers because it requires applicants to have no criminal record. On April…
The Publica@HealthRanger Just finished the HRR for today and great stuff as usual. I live in California, I have no professional or inside information. I am just a delivery driver that pays attention to daily weather fro the last 10 years or so. The weather is changing, this is not a debate. Leftist "climate change" is fake, I believe the weather modification and spraying is causing it and possibly a pole shift but that is a different topic in it of itself.
What is concrete tho, is the last few years storms have been getting more and more severe. "cyclone bombs" are now regular in the rain season. I talk to my family and tell them back in 2020/21 "we are only getting 50-60 mph winds in these new cyclone storms we get. what will happen when its 100mph?" Our houses on the west coast are not built for hurricane level storms. They have storm window covers on the east coast, we dont.
The most non conspiracy theory, theory that i have is that these companies know the storms are getting worse and are pulling out of home policies so they dont have to repair all the damaged homes.
If this isn't it, the only thing i can think of is they are planning riots or a major FF to hit california or illegals taking over homes.
Either way, it is not good. A, experienced prepper WILL tell you to watch the move made by major companies to see if they know something and all the red flags are being waved.
cheers mike.
Hey Mike. Not sure if you read these but I hope you do. I have an update. My home insurance company provider (one that is on the list of insurance companies leaving California) sent me a first ever (to my memory) full page information brochure saying we need to prepare for earthquakes. I’m not in an area for earthquakes. I thought this was weird
"Covid" tests are merely detecting the common cold virus!
Situation Update, July 30th, 2021 - CDC, FDA faked covid test protocol using common cold virus
@HealthRanger after hearing that google and fb want to mandate the vaccine, I have come to a realization that these tech companies have reached a point where they no longer need human employees. It seems like all the need is AI to monitor speech and to improve algorithms
More details now in the article, plus some new firsthand intel that tells me TEXAS is preparing for the very real possibility of secession. They are working on preparing their own money supply and military defense! All the details in today's podcast.
Situation Update, Feb 1 – Populist financial uprising may tear down the entire RIGGED system

The silver lining for the events of the last year is that huge numbers of people are awakening to fact that everything is rigged: The elections are rigged. Wall Street is totally rigged. There… This Chanel has dumped a shit ton of declass in the last hour. Check it out

[1]OWL[1] [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming [DECLAS] [POTUS]
t.meUnited States of America
July 4, 1776-January 20, 2021
So what do you all think? Are Steve Pieczinik, Simon Parkes, Robert David Steele, Charlie Ward and Lin Wood all correct that Trump wins and is sworn in next week, or do you think they're all wrong and we're all being subjected to an elaborate psyop?
This is part of the topic of my situation update podcast for tomorrow, btw. Comments welcome.
@HealthRanger @Jcampy Byrnes Telegram was ominous with no background to support what he stated., only he will tell it after the 20th.
can you sum up what was said? I cannot find it