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Newshare, opinions & comments to help good Americans cope with where we are today. Clear 'Coms' are going to be key. The Constitution & rule of law, as we know them, are not functional in this country. We can come together and speak freely here, but for how long? 'In Plain Sight' is not for the delusional, Utopia-programmed, 'Newspeak' believer. We're here for the nasty facts that are our reality today - sharing info & ideas on how to survive our tyrannical communist predicament.
Newshare, opinions & comments to help good Americans cope with where we are today. Clear 'Coms' are going to be key. The Constitution & rule of law, as we know them, are not functional in this country. We can come together and speak freely here, but for how long? 'In Plain Sight' is not for the delusional, Utopia-programmed, 'Newspeak' believer. We're here for the nasty facts that are our reality today - sharing info & ideas on how to survive our tyrannical communist predicament.
Total War
They tried knocking us all off with the 'Jax.'
They couldn't get enough of their victims to take it.
So, they now want to fool those who won't get 'Jacked Up'
by sneaking their (human pesticide) poison...
on to the Salad Bar without your knowledge or consent.

Rep. Massie: "I Think It's Dangerous to Play God with Our Food" 9/27/2023 There’s a push to create edible vaccines—food products like tomatoes, lettuce, or milk that are genetically modified to have the…
I’m thinking the PTB are turning the 5g dial up slowly so the world doesn’t equate the craziness slowly enveloping it with the vaxx/5g.
Month to month is getting worse by the day
Not only. Don't know about you but I've encountered dozens of people now suffering with various degrees of Vertigo. It used to be so rare that it was virtually unknown. Now fairly common.
My jaw dropped on this one!
Can you say Marburg?
I don't know anything about people.
That doc doesn't strike me as a 'pillar of intellect.'
Don't think I'm following her anywhere, especially
to a Jax clinic.
Same old Song n Dance?
Amazon has been sending out these notices recently.
"Dear Prime member,
We are writing to you today about an upcoming change to your Prime Video experience. Starting January 29, Prime Video movies and TV shows will include limited advertisements. This will allow us to continue investing in compelling content and keep increasing that investment over a long period of time. We aim to have meaningfully fewer ads than linear TV and other streaming TV providers. No action is required from you, and there is no change to the current price of your Prime membership. We will also offer a new ad-free option for an additional $2.99 per month*."
1 We're letting you know about the most current annoyance we have concocted for you.
2 Limited advertisements? You are surely familiar with this form of scam. Bait n Switch. The question now is how long before the ads are 3 to 5 segments deep and 2 to 4 segments per show.
3 This will allow us to perpetually annoy you for long periods of time, while you continue to pay for it.
4 We aim (but will probably miss, we're lying after all) to annoy you with less propaganda & programming than you fear we will - at least for now. We have lots of Prop. & Prog. that we want 'into you' soon.
5 You don't have to do anything. We set it up without considering your input.
6 This annoyance doesn't cost you a cent more!
7 However, your current level of annoyance will cost you $2.99/mo should you want to keep it.
You can quit altogether but I was ranting & ran out of post-room. Scold me.
Who provides your cell service?
Cell censoring Fines? on Texts? & we'll pay for it?
T-Mobile leads the charge in to this new form of crime.
Don't overlook this video. The policy starts NYD,
(2 days). Get moving on this one folks.
Keep in mind that the total effect will come from the 'stretch' or creep on theses policies. Also, who will trigger these fees/fines? A highly educated law student? A bored office worker sipping a latte? A Machine? How do you think your recourse will go? None of this policy activity is necessary - it's instigation.
Another win for us regular folks was in Argentina.
This guy looks a bit over the top, but at least he's
not a stinking commie.
He is 100% COMMIE!!! WEF!!! ZIONIST!!!

Licentiate in Economics, Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina; two Master's in Economics, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and CEDES/IDES. Former: Head Economist, Estudio Broda and Máxima AFJP; Senior Economist,…
www.weforum.orgIf he does half... what he says he'll do, we'll call that a win. That kind of action would not please the commies. Of course, we'll have to keep an eye on him as with anyone.
Sneaky B@$T@rds. They are serious about getting
to our kids. VR costs big $. Do you believe that they
care That Much about our childrens comfort? Me
neither, so what's up with this con?
Ads after the 4 min mark, sorry.
I've not dissapeared. It seems I'm being shadow-banned here.
If you can, please comment on whether you get notifications
about my posts. We're all in this together - Thanks!
@brutbaker I see you now but can’t remember seeing anything posted by you recently.
Ask yourself why this research is being done?
Important video information.
Watch it all.
Skip forward to 13:20 for the meat.
Change the 'definition' of $?
SD is just the start. Find out & stop this in your state
if yours is one of the other 20 states doing this.
Act or pay the price.
Once they do this I'd expect them to start taking land for none payment of taxes.
Worse. Use ESG to condemn your property them move you (for your own good, of course) to a smart/15 minute city. If you don't know any of this - look backwards in our posts. Lots of info to be had. :)
TruthBomb in Action!
A video breakdown of 15 Minute Cities.
This is a Warning of what is coming 'As We Speak.'
Please share this.
I must add...
- a 15 min City is an Open Air Prison
- a 15 min City is a Death Sentence
Do not allow this to happen to you.
Critical content in this video.
We need to copy Whitney Webb over & over.
30ish with her head squarely on her shoulders.
Don't miss this one folks.
Were we wrong expecting Marburg or Smallpox?
This video appears ominously similar to the start
of the Coof/Jax Scam-demic. SEERS anyone?
Also, GNN? Globalist? Should be LNN (L ucifer News Network).
Insurance companies are folding up their tents
and leaving California. This is happening now.
What do you think this is about?
What kind of problems do you think will come of this?
Engage the Gray.
Could you drive or even own a car if you can't get car insurance? Of course, this, also, won't happen in America...Dohh! I forgot. :(
Climate/ESG Lockdowns?
People will have to find their life-mates
within a 15 minute radius.
People will have to ask for permission
to visit the next town - for any reason.
Is this imprisonment?
Its happening.
Of course, this isn't going to happen in America? Ask the Englishmen in Oxford & those Indians if it can happen.
IPS Truth Bomb incoming!
There's no way to get away from this subject since
there are Still folks out there that can't figure it out.
Visitors/following please share this video widely. For
those of us that Know - we're obligated to educate.
If we reach just 1 more - we're winning.
Warning - Startling stats & many Gross Images.
Sorry for the soapbox.

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe
rumble.comThe military #s in this are nearly to panic on. Joe 6-pack may have to become Joe Minuteman.
Please check out this persuasive video from Prager U.
Sounds much like they are championing Monsanto.
Tell me that I'm not hearing what I'm hearing.
Please comment.

Are GMOs really the dangerous experimental foods that activists claim? Patrick Moore cuts through the hype and gives you the facts: how GMOs improve our… I didn't listen to this. GMO's are made by stripping out a bunch of the DNA of the plant and putting in modified shit.
Is there really any way that could be good? I don't think so.
The kicker in this is that Monsanto lied to the FDA when they said roundup (glyphosate) doesn't affect human tissue. This is strictly true, but the glyphosate damages the flora in your gut that you have to have to live. Why do you think Crohns, Irritable bowel, and autism have gone wild!
GMO crops generally are not as tolerant of weather changes as normal crops. Just look at who is messing with the weather.
All this stuff is just part of the plan to wipe us off the planet. Sorry.
With you. I was floored by this video (you should watch) bc I've supported Prager for years & there is No excuse for defending Monsanto (deep rabbit hole) that hard & the rest of the video.
Question is: Who's minding the store at Prager? That's the story.
@brutbaker Follow the money. There are many deep state plants that lay back and pretend to be patriotic. When the time comes, their masters tell them what to do.
This is what happened in 2020 when they certified the electoral college against objections. many traitors were exposed on that day.
Many will be executed because they took money for years.
So sad.
It appears that I was wrong.
No disappointment . It was - the 'Big Red Cave!'
The 'Hope-ium Pushers' should hide out for a couple
days. We've got a few weeks of mouthing by the
likes of the View & CNN, etc.. to get through.
Let's see how this failure will be spun into a new
batch of hope-ium. Of course, all we need to do
is send in more $ - 10X match!
Sorry folks, the only thing I promise is the facts
as I see them & this result stinks.
Pass the Tylenol.
@brutbaker We used the same corrupt voting machines, why would anyone expect a different result?
@brutbaker You have completely missed what happened. The 2020 vote was not fixed. What did you expect? Did you really believe that the Democrats would let go of the voting machines without a fight? This has happened in every socialist takeover and is happening in Brazil today.
The time to be disappointed is over. The time to FIX THIS IS NOW. We have to get together with other people in our areas who don't want to see this great country die. We have to do what is necessary to fix this.
I am guilty of waiting around to let "the military" fix this. Evidently the Cavalry isn't coming or they sure as hell are late.
Let's do this.
Thanks for the kick in the pants guys. I/we need all the fuel we can get. It's evidence that life still remains. If you look backwards, though (previous posts), you'll see that we're seeing things all too clearly. This outcome will mark an acceleration point.
Get to work today on the next marker, the enemy doesn't wait for anyone.
JP Morgan attempted to buy Ripple Labs XRP Ledger technology .. Ripple wouldn't sell because JP Morgan wanted to use Ripple to create their Luciferian Slave Token called FedNow .. Fednow is the Kommunist Token ..
JP Mogan is heavily invested in Resetting the United States & Europe .. Ripple Got Sued by the SEC by Bankers disguised as SEC agents .. Bill Hinman was the man who dropped the lawsuit on Ripple when he &13 other members of the SEC all left on the day of the Lawsuit .. JP Morgan has been attempting to steal Ripple Labs thunder but they don't speak FinTech .. They don't have the best Code Monkey's in the world .. Ripple has more than just this .. They the top people in FinTech ..
Currently the token is 34 Cents .. is the venue to go to about purchasing XRP tokens ..
@PhaTz Lots of info on Ripple there. What about its fully centralized nature? Its currently corporate but can still act/operate similar to a CBDC. Can it be so & also intimidated? Promises of de-centralization efforts are just that. 'He Said.' Show me the De-Centralized tokens!