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"The growing majority of voters who collect net benefits from the government is a built-in constituency to perpetuate policies financed by ever-increasing inflation. That’s why I think the US has entered an unstoppable inflation death spiral."

The US government is rapidly approaching the financial endgame and has no choice left but to "reset" the system.
Doug Casey's International ManMoney is a very simple concept. But most people don't understand it. Great article.
Money is simply something useful for storing and exchanging value. That’s it.
People have used stones, glass beads, salt, cattle, seashells, gold, silver, and other commodities as money at different times.
Think of money as a claim on human time. It’s like stored life or energy.
Unfortunately, today most of humanity thoughtlessly accepts whatever worthless digital and paper scrips their governments give them as money.
However, money does not need to come from the government. That’s a total misnomer that the average person has been hoodwinked into believing.

Rampant currency debasement is an unstoppable trend already in motion and accelerating. Those entrusting their life savings in government currencies will soon experience a harsh economic reality check.
Doug Casey's International ManThey Wouldn’t Really Go Nuclear, Would They?
In 2014, the US funded a coup d’état in Ukraine, ejecting the democratically elected president and installing an American puppet. The new regime then set about attacking the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, which were predominantly Russian. Russia did not intervene, even though the US was messing in Russia’s “back yard.” It did, however, draw some “red lines,” warning the Ukrainian government in Kiev that if it tried to take Crimea, join NATO, or become a nuclear state, Russia would invade.
In February 2022, Ukrainian puppet-President Zelensky announced at the Munich Security Conference that Ukraine would go nuclear. That was the trigger that caused Russia to invade Ukraine, days later. The US declared outrage and sought to involve NATO in retaliation.

The potential for a limited nuclear war and its catastrophic consequences in the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
Doug Casey's International ManVery true!
Michael Tellinger: The central banks create money out of thin air; they give it to the government to bail out the banks, and we, the people, have to work longer and harder to pay them back – not with ‘thin air’ but with our sweat and blood. This is the immaculate deception of humanity. We are the slaves that keep the banksters in power.
Let me not mince my words and repeat what I have already stated. The banking industry is the biggest organised crime syndicate that has ever been exposed. But somehow they have managed to make themselves appear to be legitimate and their activities legalised and accepted by the very people they are extorting from.
I agree 100% with the below statement.
Doug Casey: Let me say something that I suspect most people have never thought about. Money should not be a function of the government. Why not? Because throughout all of recorded history, governments inevitably and always use debasement of the currency as a way to fund spending for what the rulers want.
It doesn’t matter if the system is called a “democracy”—which is another debased and misdefined word. In a real democracy, money would be a strictly market phenomenon, probably gold. Not a fiat paper system controlled by bureaucrats.
Whether you use gold, silver, copper, or Bitcoin, money is something the market should dictate, not the government. And which of those things, or something else that might come up, should be determined by the market, not coercion.

Understanding Inflation: Doug Casey's Take on the Fed's Inflation Target and its Implications for Investments.
Doug Casey's International Man